Thursday, July 31, 2008

Lots of pictures and info...

I know several of you were concerned about poor Erin's thumb and her being bandaged up last night. In true Erin form, she took it all in stride. After I posted my blog I couldn't take the crying and went in to see her. As soon as I picked her up she stopped crying and was asleep in 5 minutes...slept through the night and was fine...I kept it on until about noon today and she did fine. She napped without the sock on, but we put it back on tonight for bed. Her thumb is improving, so we want to let it heal some more. She cried for only a few minutes tonight and it wasn't even real crying and is now sound Erin...such a sweet, happy girl!

I am pretty sure there are some new teeth coming in too...look at that drool!

Daddy and Zach watching tv tonight before bed...I love these moments and will miss them a lot.
This is Zach yesterday afternoon in front of our house on his scooter. He enjoys doing this when Erin is napping later in the day...It gives me time to water my plants and he scoots around right in front of the house to the dead end where that green fence is...Don't you love the landscape? Sarcasm....
Erin and Brandon at the pool last night...she has her life vest on and is so darn cute...check out her pointing at something...
Finally this is the slide! Zachary's slide. I told you it was big! God bless him...he climbs all the way up himself and goes down by himself...with the biggest bug catching smile ever! I was so sad for him last night, but these are all lessons he must learn and in time he will get it. Hopefully our next visit up there will be a slide filled one for him.
I added a few more songs to my play list also...Found an Alanis one that I love! really sums up how I feel some days...the whole idea of stopping and living in the moment each chance we have instead of searching for a finish line. Love it! A great patriotic one, God Bless the USA. I hear this at so many AF functions and it always gives me goose bumps...and a John Mayer song..Say. There is a line in there I love. "I would rather have said to much, then never to have said enough." So true...
I am almost done with my NC trip scrapbook...I have 2 pages left and plan to finish before bed tonight if I can, so I better be off and get that done. I still need to pack for San Diego too...we hope to leave around 12 if Brandon can get home from work by then...I am excited to get out of town for the weekend! I am hoping the hotel is nice too...San Diego has always been a great place for us to visit and so pretty.
We are staying at the Kona Kai resort on Shelter Island San Diego...found it on Here is the link if you want to check it out I haven't had the best luck in the past with Internet picks for places to stay, so keep your fingers crossed! I will post when I get back and share photos...if I get my scrapbook done tonight I will share that in the AM...Happy Weekend!


Anonymous said...

As always love your blog. Only Erin could smile with a sock up her arm...:) I was shocked to see Zach's slide. It is huge. Have a super great time in San Diego. You certainly deserve it.......
Love you bunches, Mom oxoxoxoxox

Kelley said...

Great pics!! That slide is huge!! And Erin's arm doesn't look nearly as bad as I was imagining :) Have a great time this weekend!! And good for you on the scrapbook, can't wait to see those pages!!!!

AprilJ said...

I have to say, the anti-thumb sucking contraption isn't nearly as barbaric as I had pictured in my mind. Those sure are some cute kids, you done good, Susan:)