Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Erin's turn I re-read a lot of my old posts and realized...not much is being said about the other mini Miller, Erin. I know it is easy for me to talk about Zach and not include Erin on here for a lot of let me share.
Zachary for obvious reasons, takes up much more of my time daily. He needs more attention, requires me to refocus him and keep him busy with things, he needs help with certain things and we are always aware that some things he does become obsessions or bad behaviors, so watching him is key. The last week or so it has been harder...he is acting like we have fed him pure sugar...very hyper and bouncing from thing to thing. Now that one of his preschools is off until August 18th, he is only at school two days a week and has much more "free" time...not always good for him or for me...Zachary has come a long way in one year. He has accomplished so much. Ironically some things are often ones parents take for granted or for most kids aren't a big deal. So, for us, they are huge. He is insanely smart, but simple things are struggles, change is hard, he is super picky about so much, his behaviors can be odd and he is having temperament issues that are difficult to manage...but he is also the most amazing little boy and I would be lost without him.
With all that said, we turn to Erin. Erin Taylor. She is just a blessing. I often refer to Zach as my purpose. I am more religious than people think despite my lackluster record of church attendance. I think I was given Zach as my child for a reason. He has taught me so much. But, Erin...she is my gift. Erin was not a planned baby. Zach was. I even found out I was pregnant with her by accident while at the doctor to discuss the possibility of getting pregnant again. Brandon and I were in a rough spot and going through a lot with Zach, although at that time we had no idea what it was. My first weeks pregnant with Erin were tough and the doctor had concerns about her even making she is my miracle. My pregnancy was good, but I had so much stress during it. My c-section was easy and when I woke up I was so ready to meet her...she spent the day in the incubator and we didn't meet until 10 PM that night...I fell in love!
Oh my Erin...I don't even know what I can say about her. She is easy. That is the best word to describe her, but it sounds too simple. Erin doesn't fuss or complain. She goes with the flow. Very little upsets her. Zach can be having a full fledged fit in the tub next to her and she just sits there and goes on playing with her toys. She is only whinny when she is hungry...she LOVES to eat. She eats everything...not picky. She is a great sleeper. She is smart. She is sweet and loving. She is funny. She has a personality on her that makes me smile. She loves to be bug! Erin just is...there is no drama or huge effort. She goes anywhere with us and never do we have to make huge adjustments. It is like God knew exactly the baby to give us.
Don't get me wrong...I love both of my children more than life. One is not better than the other...but they are quite different people with different needs. Zachary is amazing, but is sensitive to a lot and needs much more hands on attention for a lot of things...Erin is just easy and willing.
I often feel guilty that I don't have the time with her that I wish I did. I know every mom with more than one child feels this, but it is different. We do so much for Zach, with Zach, about Zach...I never want to her to get lost in the shuffle or feel that. I feel like the luckiest person in the world that Erin Taylor is my daughter. I watch her grow and learn things every day in amazement...she is doing things that I didn't think a child her age could do. She is my gift and I am grateful every day that someone else knew exactly what I needed even when I didn't and sent it to me...
Thank you Erin!


Anonymous said...

Absolutely beautiful blog ..... I still believe writing is in your future......Proud to be your Mom. oxoxoxoxoxoxoox

Kelley said...

Your purpose and your gift...I love the way your write. What a wonderful post...