Friday, July 25, 2008

music - I decided to add some music to my blog...let me know what you think...I picked some songs that might seem random, but all have meaning to here is the breakdown of the songs and meanings to me...
Better Days -Goo Goo Dolls
* I love this song and the Goo Goo Dolls...This song was played at Brandon's TPS graduation. It sums up the feeling of that evening and year, but also just the feeling of wanting more, seeking more and knowing there will be better to come, even in moments where it doesn't seem like it.
Bubbly - Colbie Calliat
*Ironically I think of Erin when I think of this song...she is just my bubbly happy girl that makes us all smile!
Wide Open Spaces - Dixie Chicks
*I love the Chicks...don't care what they said about Bush, I love their music and always will. Freedom of Speech people! This has been my personal theme song since I left for Arizona from NC in 1995...I love it and it means a lot to me...
Faithfully -Journey
*This was a song Brandon always played when we were dating and said was how he felt about it is a good song with meaning for us.
Home to You -John Micheal Montgomery
*Love this song! This was played at our wedding and in hind sight should have been our first dance...we both inscribed this in our wedding bands to each other and didn't know it until we exchanged it is a very special song to us.
One Sweet World - Dave Mathews
*Well I love Dave...God bless my son, he does too! This is favorite song by them...he used to get in the car and ask for dunka meant this song and was super cute to see his face light up when the first few notes began to play...Zachary you are awesome!
Wishlist - Pearl Jam
*Again, I love Pearl Jam and this is a relatively upbeat one for them...for someone like me that fights the urge to be a pessimist and is always a realist...this song is beautiful...

So there again is more insight to is the play list of me for now...I tried to find an Allanis song, but they didn't have any...oh well...this fits me and if you take the time to listen you might get to know me even better...


Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze me. I can dance to music, but never have a blog and put music to it. You truly are my beautiful and amazing daughter. I love you dearly. Mom ox

Kelley said...

Thanks for sharing!! And I love that you and Brandon inscribed the same thing on your wedding bands without even knowing. That gives me goosebumps!!