Saturday, July 19, 2008

Slow Saturday

Not too much excitement today...we had a slow start to the day. Brandon headed into work this AM for a few hours and no, I wasn't thrilled about it, but that is how it goes. We went to lunch at Domingo's...a great Mexican restaurant in Boron...about a 25 minute drive. Ironically it is the same town where Zach now attends his special ed preschool. Boron and Edwards are the only two schools in Muroc school district. They closed the elementary school on base for the fall and moved it to another building...the special ed preschool program was let go all together and moved to Boron. Zach saw his school off the road and was so is my green speech school! He will start back there August 18th and I know he is ready. Lunch was great as always...we then got home and just didn't do much. Brandon didn't feel great...he got all his deployment shots yesterday and is convinced the anthrax one is making him! We then headed to a pool birthday party at the base pool...darn pool with nine million rules. I am off tomorrow to find life vests that are coast guard approved...God forbid it is anything noodles, floaties, etc...just a bunch of bull if you ask me...but I feel bad my kids don't go to the pool here because I don't the right equipment...can they make things harder? It was nice to get out and see people...I really don't have a ton of friends here right now, so the chance to mingle and talk is always nice.
I have my dermo appointment at 12, so we are going to try to get our butts in gear and head to town early and try that miniature golf course...maybe take two cars in case the kids need to hit the road first...they told me they won't take my cysts out tomorrow anyway...Might even try the pool again after...we will see how the day goes. Trying to plan a trip down to the beach next weekend...take advantage of all we can while we can I say!
Worked on my scrapbook a little more today from my trip to NC...really like how this one is coming together and feel like it was a good idea...just fun to put it all together!
Okay...really nothing exciting as I said...maybe more tomorrow...

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Yea for good Mexican food and green speech schools. Boo for dumb pool rules.