Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Tough Love!

Well Brandon made it back from his survival bears seen!
The kids and I stayed in all day and were pretty stir crazy when Brandon got home tonight. We decided it was nice, why not head to the pool...I can't manage both at the pool yet, so it needs to be a dual parent outing...Poor Zach. He was so excited and ready to slide...the slide was BROKEN. It was bad...very bad. He cried, he screamed, he went to check the slide...he asked the lifegaurd to get a doctor. He was not happy. After 30 minutes of hysterics and about 15 more of coaxing we finally got him in the pool to play a bit before it was time to leave at 7 PM. So hard for him to understand and be okay with the alternative. He came home and was asleep in thirty minutes...he wore himself out for sure.
And poor Erin...I showed Brandon her finger and in typical Brandon form he was upset and had to "fix" it. Everything I read said not to be too concerned unless the child got an infection, but he thought it looked bad and was upset. So...tonight he put a sock on her hand that went up to her shoulder and taped it with medical tape to her pjs...we checked to make sure her circulation is fine Mom. She starred at me the entire time with this look of utter dispair. She is currently in her room crying like I have never heard her cry in her life. I am so distraught, but trying to ignore it and let her cry herself to sleep, otherwise this will never work. Yes, she has two thumbs, but that is the thumb she prefers and no amount of mild coaxing today helped her understand she should try the other one...she is just so upset. She is honestly the best, easiest baby...the one thing that comforts her and makes her happy is now something we have to take away...I just hate it. But I know her thumb looks awful and it would be wors for her to get an infection...oh this will be a long night for sure. Plus I have to drive to Palmdale tomorrow for preschool and sit in town with her while he is in school.
So...I am off to cry myself to sleep in commiseration with my sweet daughter...


Anonymous said...

Oh dear Lord. How do these things all happen to you and your family. I just can't imagine Zachary with the slide and then wanting a doctor to fix it. My heart sunk reading that. And Miss Erin with a sock up to her pitt. Honestly the wrist would be fine. I know you need a super big hug so here it is.............:) Hope today goes better with thumb, Palmdale and your sleep deprevation. Love you bunches. Mom

Kelley said...

Oh, those poor kiddos! And you poor parents! Tough love is no fun, and she's surely too young to understand. She just wants that thumb! And Zach wanting the doctor to fix the slide...that is priceless. I hope they get it fixed soon so he can be a happy little camper!

AprilJ said...

I am still warring w/Brandon on fb... it's all I can do from Alaska besides commiserate w/you on IM. hugs.