Friday, July 18, 2008


So I felt so great about finishing Brandon's TPS scrapbook that I wanted to get moving on some other projects. I have so much fact I feel like I have been hoarding things...I needed to complete and actually do projects. I still need to finish both of the kids albums from this year. Both are close to being done, but I have a goal to have them done by end of the month. Before I left for NC I bought a smaller scrapbook album at Target. It is red with white polka dots and so cute...only 8.5 x 8.5, so much smaller than what I usually use. I thought it would be perfect to do my first book on one subject, the trip to I bought some items while there at Hobby Lobby and sent off for my photos when I got home...get them and have been working on it today...I have 6 pages done and I love it so far...great way to capture our trip in one simple book and finally I feel like I am getting everything in one place. I always feel like I can't put all the photos I want on a page, etc. I am glad I chose to go out of my comfort zone and do something different...I really like it and it is a fun way to chronicle this trip and time with the kids and my parents. I will post the photos as soon as I am done with it....
Made my appointment today for my dermatologist...yes mom I finally called...he actually is going out of town for like a month, so it was good I called...he is seeing me on Sunday. I have two cysts in my head that have grown over the years and are actually becoming it is time to just go in and have them removed...
Ordered some new books and the first one arrived today...I want to start reading again like I used to and just needed some new books to get me excited and interested again...
Got a few things sold on Ebay and off to the post cleaning out my man's treasure and all.
Brandon made some calls today regarding things with Zach...when he first got diagnosed he was given a caseworker...worthless person if you ask me. As someone who formerly did the job of a caseworker, she is worthless. She never calls back, tells us to make calls ourselves, and doesn't ever have the information we ask for. Today she tells us he has somehow been dis enrolled in the ECHO program...program for families with members that have a is dis enrolled...does he not have autism and no one told us? Worthless I tell you. We have been asking for a year to get certain services that we are entitled to and asking to find out about ones we don't know about. We actually got an interesting letter in the mail last week asking if we would like to be involved in a support group for parents of kids that have been labeled on the Autism Spectrum. It was written by the pediatrician, not the one we go to, but the new one that just got here this past year. Obviously we are not the only family in need and finally walls are coming down, people are talking and hopefully more can be done...if not for us for the next family that has to go through this mess...
Well my house is clean, my kids are sleeping and Brandon is looking tired too...I am off to bed as well...


Anonymous said...

Again a super blog. I am happy that you are seeing someone about your cysts. I was just going to ask you that on our next call...:) Love you and keep up the great work.................MOM

Unknown said...

Susan, if you need some great books, read the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. Don't read the back cover, you won't read it becasue you think it sounds stupid! But they are the best books ever! I'm reading them over again now for the 3rd time! I never re-read books, just to prove my point about how great they are! They're making a movie out of the series, out in December. Okay, I'm done trying to recruit you, but trust me! I would recommend waiting to Brandon deploys. They're great deployment books! I read them the first time Chris was gone.