Sunday, July 27, 2008

Smoother Sunday...

Erin returned from the urgent care last night with a diagnosis that basically was she has a viral infection, rash and discomfort...big name for it, but don't have the paper in front of me...sorry! Anyhow, she can walk today, but has a rash still and isn't her usual bubbly self, but is better. So, we will watch her and see how it goes.

We got a lucky break, both kids slept in today...Zach until after 8 and Erin until almost 10...insane, but she was up so late last night. We made some waffles and enjoyed the late start to the day. Zach was desperate to return to the pool today and the Big Slide. It is seriously 3 stories up, maybe 4. Huge winding waterslide...pretty cool actually that they have that here. He wouldn't go down it at all the other day and freaked out a bit when we tried to get him...they won't let parents go down with a child, only catch at the bottom. Well Brandon had the lifegaurd throw him down yesterday...sounds awful but with Zach you usually have to do it that way...and he loved it...was there for 3 horus yesterday. So, we headed back up today and stayed for 2 plus hours. He had a blast again and had both of us catching him...for me a bit tricker since it is 4 feet of water and he comes at me full force. First catch I was a goner, but got used it after that. No words to describe how cute his big smile is coming around that corner at the end of the slide. Saw an old friend up there and hung out, it was nice. Erin got some water time too, so all in all it was a nice day for us.

Off to speech in the AM...Erin the sitter is off this week to Colorado to see her family...Brandon heads to survival for his deployment...gone Tuesday through Wednesday. Then Friday we head to San Diego (Sandy Diego as Zach calls it). I think it will be a fun trip, so I am excited and hopeful that it will go well...

Added some photos from tonight...I finally look like I live in CA in the a chance to get some sun at the pool...


Kelley said...

Sounds like a great day, and you needed one of those!!

AprilJ said...

Good grief!! Your weekend ran the gambit of emotions for sure.. I hope this week is much lower key for you all. The pictures are fantastic. Obviously, I'm jealous for your tan :)

Anonymous said...

Oncd again great blog. The week is sounding great and I hope it continues, Do hope San Diego will be lots of fun and relaxing for all of you..Enjoy/ Love, Mom ox

Anonymous said...

Declan had a similar viral rashy thing last month. It took a few days before he was feeling better but I kind of enjoyed thoes days he felt bad because all he wanted to do was snuggle and snuggling is hard to come by now a days at our house!