Sunday, July 27, 2008

Poor Erin

Well last night was odd...Zach spent like 3 hours at the big pool on base with Brandon. He went down the big water slide all by himself and he was then into that all day. He was so excited and proud of himself. He did give himself a little black eye I think on the way down, but I think it was worth it. Erin and I stayed back at the house because she was fussy and it was her nap time when they left. She usually sleeps around 11 -1, so it was a good time for them to go and us to hang out here. She woke up feeling a little warm and not her usual perky self...I chalked it up to cutting teeth. The day went on and she seemed okay...went down for a late nap...we ate a yummy meal (if I do say so myself) and then we decided to wake her up since it was getting late...that is when things got strange. She woke up and was a bit dazed, normal. But then she wanted me to her hold...I did for a long time and then put her down to get her something to eat...she started to cry and scream...she couldn't walk. So, we thought her foot was asleep...happened to Zach when he was little and scared the pants off of him. Well, it continued. We bathed her, fed her and still she screamed when we tried to let her walk...So, I of course was scared, Zach was ready for bed after his long Brandon took her to Urgent care...She has a small rash on her body and a low grade fever, so they figured it was a viral thing...causing her to have discomfort...they told us to watch her and have her checked if it continued, but nothing showed a major problem. I woke up with the beginnings of a chest cold and feeling less than, no beach trip today as Erin and I don't feel up to it. I would rather get better and fully enjoy next weekend...So...I hope to get some rest and feel better soon!!!


Unknown said...

Poor Girls! Hope you feel better!!

Karla said...

Poor baby girl! Hope you guys feel better soon! ((HUGS))

Kelley said...

Hope that Erin is okay! How scary! Hope you get to feeling 100% yourself!