Tuesday, July 29, 2008

random thoughts...

Random stuff tonight...
Earthquake in Southern CA today and even though everyone else felt it...I missed it. I think I was in the car on the way to get Zach at preschool and obviously didn't feel anything. Which is fine by me.
Brandon is off on his survival course...I have some issues with this...He did survival training right after he graduated pilot training...they all go through the course to learn to evade if shot down, how to handle capture, etc and so on...So they are making him do it again before this deployment. I find it puzzling frankly. He has deployed 3 other times and none of which did he do that before leaving and on those, he was leaving to fly. For those of you that don't know or haven't made it clear enough, Brandon's deployment is not normal. (Nothing about how this place works is). He is one person from his squadron going to fill a position...a desk job. It isn't something he has trained to do, it is the AF filling a spot. Adds to my bitterness a bit. I didn't mind him deploying before I think mostly because it was all part of his job. Anyhow...so if he isn't flying, then why the extensive survival course in the Kern Mountains...wouldn't it also be smarter to train him in a desert setting since he is going to a desert? I would think so, but the AF is sending him to the mountains tonight...Again why I am a spouse and not an active duty member.
Continuing on that note. Last night moments before I am going to bed...literally I am in my bed about to watch the last 10 minutes of Army Wives...we have this exchange...
Brandon. "Hey did you hear a woman was malled this weekend by a bear in the Kern County Mountains."
Susan, "Why?!"
Brandon, "Well I am guessing the bear was going after her food or she agitated it."
Susan,"Thanks for science lesson Sherlock! I was referring to the why would you tell me that when you are going to that location tomorrow night to camp?"
Brandon,"Oh!...well I am sure I will be fine and won't see any bears."
SERIOUSLY! Men amaze me sometimes. I have sleep issues as it is...I literally take sleepy time or Tylenol PM most nights of the week. I just can't stay asleep. Little noises get me up all hours oh the night, I can't turn my brain off and just sleep...so stuff like this, not so helpful.
Erin last night decided to get up from 3-5 AM for no reason what so ever...oh the joys!
Speaking of which...Zach is in bed, thankfully...Erin is still roaming around and being silly. I think she is having a hard time sleeping because she has a blister on her thumb...she sucks her left thumb and only her left thumb...she loves her thumb...when she is sleepy it is all about the thumb...I think feeling crappie this weekend she went over time on the thumb and now it is gross and red...so probably doesn't feel great to suck. Always something I tell you...
Other than that the day was pretty uneventful...did preschool this AM, came home and hung out around here...park in the old neighborhood and then the BX before home and tubbie time. It was sad to be in our old neighborhood. All of the houses are empty and the trees and grass are all dying or dead...the cute park that we visited for almost 3 years daily is now not looking so good. It was the first time I noticed something though...Zach looked bored. I used to be able to take him there and he would walk the perimeter endlessly...or swing forever. Tonight he was in the swing less than 5 minutes and then looked bored...unsure of what to do...we played the best I could with Erin there...but you could tell he was in need of friends and buddies...so great to see. Sadly...he now has the interest to play with people and we are lacking people to play with...
I am off to convince Erin bed is a good idea...


Kelley said...

Oh my...your little exchange with Brandon had me laughing out loud! That is tooooo funny and sooo typical! ha!!!! A bit odd he's going to survival in the mountains, but sometimes I guess it's best to not even worry yourself with the "whys"...you'll never figure it out!

Karla said...

That's great that Zach was bored at the playground by himself. That's a definite sign of improvement! I hate that I haven't met your sweet kiddos - one day we'll get together, I know it!!

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear your didn't feel the quake. Sorry about Portabella's thumb...Oh my she must be furious. Sorry Zachary was bored at the park, but it is a good sign too. As far as Brandon telling you about the bear - I honestly don't have a comment. Guess it is just male stupidity. Love and miss you bunches. Mom oxoxoxxoxo

AprilJ said...

Next time Brandon is going to be in bear country, he should call us. We know the drill after only a month in Alaska. Seriously.