Okay...I will warn you that this one will be less how my day is and more what is on my mind. With that being said, be prepared...I do plan to offend anyone, but might. I am not trying to preach or
condemn...I am just sharing my feelings.
So here is the deal...
I married someone in the Air Force. I met someone in college that was unlike anyone I had met before and I fell in love. Brandon is smart, determined, loyal, kind and a hard worker. He continues to do well at work (
CGO of the
quarter...just a little bragging to add into my rant) and he is a great dad that really in the past year has devoted himself to being home more and doing much more with his family. I feel really lucky to have him be my husband. When we met and fell in love I had no military understanding...my dad was in Vietnam, but that was long before I was born and it never impacted me directly. Brandon and I have just learned as we went and made this our life.
So, yes it is a life we chose and I accept that label to some degree. I accept the fact we move often, we live in different and all too often in our case, not glamorous or great places. We have to follow different rules, some of our choices are often not our own and our opinions don't matter. We give up basic things many don't even realize. Example...moving here we had to live on base, it was a requirement...so with that comes the limitations of being on base...we are 30-45 minutes from town...we have a clinic not a
hospital, so no ER access...we did live in an old house with a swamp cooler and asbestos...we are limited to the people we meet....we have to abide my rules when there are
exercises...it is harder to have family come and go...etc. There are also lots of pluses and I am FULLY aware of those...but in that misconceptions. We don't get our house for free. We
fore go a housing
allowance to live on base. However, I do not have a utility bill, just pay for phone, cable, etc. We don't get the same services or access to some things...and the beurocracy to get things done is insane...don't get me started on the fisco with Zach's autism diagnosis and services we are still seeking!
I have always said I don't mind deployments,
TDY's, the moving, etc...it is part of the job. One we accepted...but our kids didn't. And no matter what you say, it is hard on them. I don't complain about Brandon leaving, but I am scared and worried and sure, sad. I will say that I am appreciative of those who thank service members for what they do...I think that is great. I do get tired of the people that say things that are just...dumb. My friend
Christna send an email about a year ago about what not to say to an AF wife when her husband deploys...that was great because it covered it all...I would love to make on for people of what not to say to someone whose child has autism, but that will be a later soapbox post...
First...I know that we have it "easy" compared to the Army and Marines...but in fairness, I didn't marry someone in those branches and it sucks that my husband and many others are being tasked to do those jobs. Brandon isn't in an
operational squadron here, he is in a test one...he shouldn't be deployed...he is to go do a desk job...not even fly and do what he is trained to do...to me that is a wasted time for all, but I am not in charge and no one asked me, right? Even still he going and he will do his job and do it well. So, don't say to me,"How long is he going? Oh, 4 months, that isn't bad" Where is he going? Well at least it isn't Iraq." Please refrain...I know 4 months is a cake walk compared to a year...I know he won't be in Iraq, but he will be in the Middle East and very far from home. We only get an hour a week to talk. He will miss so many moments and memories with Zach and Erin. They will miss out on so much they could do and enjoy with him. What amazes me the most is that most of the people, about 99% of the people that say this stuff to me are people with no direct military connection. It is easy to say that when it isn't your loved one going away. It is easy to say that when it doesn't affect you. It is easy to say that when you aren't the one having to
I am proud of Brandon and his choice to serve his country...I am proud of the
sacrifice we make as a family to do it. I only ask others to think about what they say...No amount of time without your loved on is easy, fun or something you would choose...it is a
sacrifice and a duty. So...that is my rant...