Monday, September 15, 2008

What to say...

Well I really need to get some photos up here to post, but didn't take a ton over the past few days, so not any great ones to use.
Zach had school this AM and did fine with the new times for things. It will definitely make our nights earlier so we can be up early for school, but I am okay with that. Tonight both were in bed before 8...I knew Zach was tired and ready. He had gymnastics today also...a treat that Erin came to watch my Erin for me. Two ladies I know here were both there with their kids. One I used to be close to and now we are just polite with one another...the other I have known since I moved here and we see each other from time to time and hang out with the kids...either way it was nice to see them there and hopefully they will continue to go.
Erin's diaper rash is still there, now just spots...I will give it one more day and then call the Dr and have her go in...
Erin ate a great dinner tonight and Zach ate a great one last night...always one or the other.
Brandon called and is doing well...sounded tired, but okay.
Speaking of tired I am pooped. I didn't sleep well last night since my insane dog that ate six cupcakes off the counter woke me up at 2 AM.
I am off to finish the household chores and hit they hay and more commentary tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a pretty good day all in all. Happy Zachary had a good time at gymnastics. Hope Erin's booty clears up soon. Good to hear you spoke with Sparky. As far a sister goes -- well I have no words for her that I can write!:) Hava a good day in Palmdale and chat with you later.

Kelley said...

Ha! I can just see Sally sneaking those cupcakes!!!!! I bet she had a sugar rush big time! :) Glad you were able to have gymnastics time with Zach while Erin watched Erin...and glad to hear that Brandon is doing well...

AprilJ said...

Sister Sally is still pretty spunky :)