Monday, September 22, 2008

Monday, Monday...

Well this will be brief...I am pooped!  Went to the doctor this AM...tests were run, so far so good, but more results to come.  Got Erin her immunizations...had to get MMR and DTAP...Yuck!  She has had a rough day, but her night was better.  Zach had a great day, but his night was rough.  Figures.  He did well at school and gymnastics.  A friend's husband mowed the grass for me tonight, so that was great.  Brandon's best friend here Miles came by to see us before he went home tonight...he and his wife used to live across the street from us and now live about 45 minutes north in Tehachapi.  Great to see him and Zach loves him, so it was a big thrill for Zach to have him here.  He is a great guy, so nice he made that effort for us.  Apparently my daughter redid our answering machine message last week, so my friend Amy drove over to check on us too since the machine didn't have a message, just noise.  Oh Erin.  So, we were well checked on today.  Hopefully the kids will sleep well and have a great day tomorrow.  Going to town with no big plans and that is my books and time to just sit and unwind...I will take it. I am off to watch a bit of tv and get to bed early in case my kids are up early again...5:30 with Erin this AM was a bit earlier than I like.  


Kelley said...

How funny about the answering machine message! She is definitely getting into whatever she can! Very happy to hear that you were well looked after today...

Anonymous said...

Miss Erin must have thought you needed company!!!!God bless her - she is such a busy lizzy.:) Hope everyone slept well last night and that you relax and enjoy your Susan time in Palmdale. You surely deserve it. Love you. ox