Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Deep Breaths do help...

Okay so today was still pretty darn uncomfortable...won't go into details, just leave at that...hoping this is the worst and tomorrow I will be a happier person.
Was in town with Zach while he did his preschool thing and did some shopping for us for the week...at least I got it all done and can just go on Thursday and enjoy the day...if I feel well I can walk at the park and take my book, find a spot to read...a pedicure chair sounds perfect!!!! All my running around today should keep us stocked up the rest of the week...so that is good.
Erin and Zach had good days, but you could tell Zach was irritated with me that I wasn't more into playing and having fun...but we all have our days and it wasn't mine.
I didn't start a new book last night, I chose to watch my shows I had recorded...nice to veg and just enjoy my tv time. I do have to rethink what I watch at night though....watched Army Wives and it had a stalker story line...so not the best when my husband is gone...I locked and relocked the house five times and was up all night hearing sounds...oh well.
I have a ton of things I want and need to ebay from the kids clothes last fall...I need to hop on that and get the closets cleaned out too. Always a fun time for me! I am not sure which book to start next...I have two set out and I am torn...I will have to see what calls to me later...
Zach rode his scooter to the mailbox again tonight...he is getting quite good at it too...I am impressed. Erin as always has to be an overachiever and shock me...tonight I was in the backyard with them, Brandon called and we were chatting. I sat down on the swing for a minute to watch Zach play on the swing set and Erin was walking around. Next thing I know I am smiling at Erin, but she is up at the top of swing set...she had climbed up the ladder all by herself. I screamed several profanities in the phone, poor Brandon, and did a super woman leap to get to her. All the while she is full of smiles and has no clue that she took at least seven years off my life. She is 14 months old! Seriously! Zach thought it was great...so did Erin...mommy is going to retire in January to an island for a while...
Week one down and I am hoping I am not out...off to get the kids to bed and me some cereal...yes the deployment diet it is...no comments mom, I have had a day...I love you.


Unknown said...

Ahh, the deployment diet. I am very familiar with that one. Eat whatever doesn't create too many dishes and doesn't create unnecessary cleaning.

Kelley said...

So glad you had a phone call from Brandon (minus those profanities!!). Erin is quite the go-getter, it seems. Better keep an eye on her! And I totally agree, no stalker plots while Brandon is away, the mind does tend to overreact!!!

Anonymous said...

I will not make a comment about the deployment diet. New Mom...:) Happy you got to speak with Sparky minus the profanities. However Erin is a pistol and we must give her credit for her determination!!! Hope you will be feeling better today. Love you.

AprilJ said...

Deployment/TDY/Sitting Alert/Working Late Cereal Diet. Been there.

Anonymous said...

Some nights when Joe is home, I kind of miss the deployment diet...