Saturday, September 6, 2008

It is all them...

I wish I could take more credit for these first couple of days going well, but my kids are awesome. It isn't me, it is all them. They are sweet, smart, loving, kind, wonderful kids. I am so proud of both of them.
Today we hung out and had a nice relaxing AM...cinnamon rolls and cartoons. We rode up to the park by the clinic on base around 11, meeting a friend and her kids there. She ran late and I started to worry she wouldn't show...she has three and the youngest is only about 2 months old if it was good I hadn't told Zach...they arrived and he was thrilled to see them and his friend Luke he hasn't played with since before the baby was born. He and Luke usually don't play too well together, so having them at the park was good, no one's house and stuff to fight over. They did awesome. They talked and played and were actually the same height even though Luke is one year older. Zach kept up with him and I heard no whining, screaming or fighting. Yippee! They both spent the later part of the time chasing their respective siblings around which was hysterical. Both were making sure Erin and Simon didn't run off into the street or get on big play ground stuff. It was cute to watch them be little parents. I was happy to have some adult time too.
I did find out that a family we have known here for the last 3 years has twins only one month older than Zach...they both have Autism...I knew they saw the same therapist as Zach, but didn't know of a diagnosis...Anyhow...they mom apparently packed them up today and moved back to TX where she has family because she felt the services were so bad here. I know from experience that the services aren't great and we have struggled to get what we do have. I haul him into town three days a week for things...nothing is simple, but it is doable...I guess I am surprised and a bit know what we have done and with the limitations we have that we have gotten so much success from Zachary and seen huge changes in one year. No, he is not all better. He isn't "recovered" as Jenny McCarthy calls her son (don't' start me on that soap box). He has issues that we deal with every single day and will for a while. But, he is better. He is progressing not regressing. He is showing tons of interest in independence. I hear, " I do it all by myself", all day long now. He is able to control his outbursts a lot better than even a few weeks ago. I am shocked at how well he is handling and understand Brandon being gone. He is just amazing to me...Again, it is all him...
Erin is a pistol...she is all about copying her brother and being right there to follow his actions...she is quick, she is determined and so darn cute. She is showing her temper and getting mighty mad at me when I tell her no. Dramatics is a girl trait for sure. I know she misses her daddy and all the one on one time that he gives and allows me to give. But she has been winning her brother over the past few days and he is actually warming up to the idea of her being a buddy and someone he doesn't have to run from all the time. Some toys he still doesn't want to share, but he is doing a lot better and actually spent time tonight playing and tickling her in his room. She of course loved every single second of it!!!
Below are more photos. I am hoping between this and facebook Brandon can catch some photos of the kids, so I am posting more than normal.

Erin proving getting dirty isn't a boy thing...
My angels...she wants to make sure I see this moment...
He lead her around the whole park like this today...

Watching daddy tonight with Nilla is good.
Erin and her hat...she is so into hats right now....she pulls them out of her drawer and wants them put on her head...
Oh that handsome boy...
Erin is off to explore the park...she seems so tiny here!!!
She is bound and determined to follow her brother no matter where he goes...and she does most of the time!!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful Saturday for all. Yea:) Loved the pictures and especially love and admire you.
Mom ox

Karla said...

I love the pic of them holding hands, so sweet! Maybe one day Griffin and Mallory will do that, yeah right :)

Unknown said...

As always, love seeing the pics! I am glad to hear they are handling things well!! Having a sibling is way more fun now that they can interact and play together!