Monday, September 8, 2008

Monday...not so great, not so bad...

Today wasn't awful, but it wasn't great. I have been fighting the reality all weekend that my antibiotics I took for my stupid bumps to be removed gave me a yeast fighting it today...second one in 2 months...sorry to share, but good insight to why my day is not so great...Had to fight with flight medicine to get an appointment...just annoying as heck to argue with those people. I am pretty sure they convinced me today why I want to go on Tricare Standard ASAP so I can see real doctors.
Met with the behavioral case worker today for Zach...nice man...will have therapist come to evaluate him soon and assess what can be done...not sure what they can do at school, jurisdiction issues, so he is coming to the IEP meeting at the end of the month with me...Yeah. Will be nice to not be alone and to have another person fighting for Zach's best interest...I am hoping it will help. I didn't sign his OT IEP...(occupational therapy part of his individualized education plan...sorry so many accronyms and it isn't military talk!) I want them to prove he doesn't need or offer me help with his grasping issues. Mommy is not taking no for an answer!
Gymnastics was fun today and Erin did okay in the stroller until the last 10 minutes and then was miserable...I hate to hear her scream and be upset and we were almost done. But it is only 50 minutes, I brought snacks and toys...hopefully we can just make it do able for a while...
Finished the book I was reading...My Sister's Keeper...loved it! I am enjoying my reading fix right now and excited to head to bed and start something new...
Not much else to report....I am off to pack lunch, lay out clothes and get in bed...night night!


Anonymous said...

Hopefully your medicine will "fix' your infection ASAP. When mommy is down, nothing seems to go as well as one would like. A new day and hopefully a better one for all. Love you.

Kelley said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon! I hate how one medicine to fix something just causes something else. Drives me crazy!

Glad you are enjoying your reading...what's next?

AprilJ said...

yeast infections.. the worst ever. I hope you're feeling better already.