Saturday, September 13, 2008


Well I didn't post last night because I had a slumber party with Zachary...we had a rough few days and I decided he needed some one on one time. He was so excited. I can't do a lot of one on one things that we would normally do with him, so this was the best idea I had while having him and Erin at home and Erin already in her bed. We watched some tv snuggled in my bed and then cuddled up and went to sleep. It was great. :) I didn't sleep my best, but I sure enjoyed having my pal there.
I had a good day yesterday....nothing bad or awful occurred, so that to me is a success. Still having tantrums from Erin that are out of character...she is cutting teeth I think, so I am sure that is part of it, but I also think she is just dealing with all of this in her own way...not having words yet makes her at a loss to tell me about how this feels. I hate to see her look for Brandon and call his is so sad. She is such a sweet little girl and often gets dragged around to do things for I am trying to make both of them happy as best I can...never simple.
I had a great surprise yesterday....I spoke to an old friend! Again, it is due to the wonderful world of facebook.
A little history....
When I got to Arizona in 1995 I knew no one. I lived on floor 7 of Arizona Sonora roommate and I weren't friends, just roommates...she moved out at Christmas to go home. Anyhow...night 2 or 3 I ran into a pretty blond in the bathroom brushing her teeth. She seemed so shy and nervous and normal...I was looking for that. I knew no one when I arrived there for orientation and it was liberating and scary. Her name was Cady. She was from Denver. She knew no one also. We became fast friends and had a really good friendship. We also were friends with other girls on the floor...soon a group of five of us hung out all the time and were very close. By the end of my freshman year I was close with another girl I had met during orientation and a new friend I had met second semester. As much as I loved my dorm friends, I wasn't interested in living with them and they all wanted to get a house together. So they did and I lived with Sarah...My year with Sarah was awful and our friendship came to a crashing end...I became even closer with my friend Kelly and we both commiserated about roommate issues. Cady left for Spain her junior year...before she left we hadn't spent as much time together and when she got back nothing was the same. A lot happened while she was gone and as it always is with girls, people talk. One person in the group took it upon themselves to share with her things to test out the waters...they had a secret to hide but chose to tell her that I had spent time with a guy she liked while she was gone...oh the truth, nothing happened that I couldn't have told Cady about, but I know Cady...once it was shared by the other girl she then lost her trust in me...and there was little at that point I could or wanted to do to fix it. I was sick of the group dynamics and out of all of them, Cady was the only one I was really close to...the saying friends for a season...well that is what it was with everyone else. So we lost touch, saw each other out once or twice, but we weren't the same and neither of us tried to fix it...we both met the men that are now our husbands in that next year...we both made good friends at school and we both found new paths in life...
Yesterday we spoke on the phone for the first time in probably nine years or more. It was great. Easy, fun, and normal. We talked about everything....we were us. She knows me well and I think I know her pretty well too...we both had similar issues with the group of girls we hung out with...we met them and just didn't move on to people we really had things in common with soon enough. When we did things got better for us, but we learned those friendships weren't real, sincere or even enjoyable at some points. Convenience maybe. I think if we hadn't had our friendship damaged in the process we would still have remained close through it all...but things happened and we can't change it. Now we can start fresh, get to know each other again and fill each other in on our lives. She is a a beautiful person and I am glad that we can be friends again.
So...that was the highlight of my day for sure...
I am off to give hugs and kisses to my babies and enjoy our day...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The slumber party sounds like lots of fun and much needed time for Zachary to spend with mommy. My heart aches for Erin always in search of Brandon. Happy to hear you connected with Cady. Face book has really been a great thing for you...............Love you. Mom