Sunday, September 28, 2008

Long weekend...

Well this weekend we did nothing, and it felt like it.  Long, long, long boring weekend.  I am bored, the kids are bored...long weekend.  But my parents arrive next weekend and I know that we will soon be having fun and busier.  Zach had a rough week and weekend, so that is probably part of it for me.  He had such an awesome week, and then this one wasn't.  It happens.  Hoping for some improvement and some time to hang out with him alone when my mom and dad are here, that might be a big help for both of us.  
Getting things done though...the house feels like a mess and so unprepared for my parents to visit...I hate that.  Without a guest room I feel like I have no space for them since they will be staying in my room and I will be bunking on the sofa bed off the kitchen.  So, it feels very disorganized right now. I did finish Erin's baby scrapbook feels good to have it done...three pages left in Zach's age 3-4 one...I am excited to be done and start the new ones...I do birthday to birthday as my I am not super far behind.  None the less, it is nice to get some things done...
I am always trying to clean out and organize when Brandon is nice, but so messy while you are doing now I need to get stuff in place and looking nice for my parents...
Zach got a haircut at the BX yesterday...I am getting more used to mine. I don't hate it...I definitely like it better short and that isn't as much the issue as the style...I had wanted it shorter in the back and longer in the front and got the works for now I guess....not a big crisis, just something else that isn't as I thought it would be.  Zach has school tomorrow and hopefully gymnastics if he and Erin can make it there...
Gotta get going and get the kids in the tub and off to bed...Zach needs some good sleep and good start to a new week here.  We both do...
So long Sunday...


AprilJ said...

hey :) if my math is correct (and it may not be), I think you just passed through the 100s in days of Brandon being gone and are now officially less than 100 days to go. This is supposed to encourage you!!! (so if it is discouraging, forgive me) I'm marking time with you.

Anonymous said...

Hoping this week will be a better for you and the children. Love you.:) Mom

Kelley said...

You are so inspiring in how organized you are with your scrapbooking! You aren't too far behind at all, and I am way way way way behind. Probably always will be. I'd love to see some pics posted on here of your pages!!