Friday, September 5, 2008

A simple phone call...

I know for my fellow AF wives you will get this...there is something so helpless about knowing that you can't contact your spouse...the fact that they are out there in the world, you don't know where and you have no idea when you will hear from them. The phrase no news is good news helps in this case. That is one thing I hate...I hate the not knowing. The just in case of an emergency and I need to call you number that I promise I won't use, but makes me feel so much better just having it...I hate that. So today when Brandon called before 10 just to say he finally got to Al Udied, I was thrilled. We talked for a bit mostly just about the kids reactions to things and how they were. He was exhausted and had no idea how we would talk again since he hadn't been told much, just shown his room. So, I will wait for the next call and more news, but at least he is there...that was a good start to the day I tell you....Zach had a good day at school...always nice to hear and have him come home happy. We spent some time today working on his writing and pencil grasp. I got his OT assessment from the teacher today and read it myself...while his scores in some areas were off the charts...literally he scored at an 8 year old level for visual perception...his grasping was a 15 month level. Yes, I reread it too...that is the 1% range...that is Erin's skill level...that too me signals a child that could use some OT help...yet, they don't give him services...why??? So, I am going to follow my gut and not sign the IEP and request that he gets services based on the one area he is struggling me that is a big struggle! The rest of the day went well I ventured to the BX before 4 to get Zach a hair cut. I assumed (wrong) that it wouldn't be too busy and a good time to go...UGH. We waited for over 30 minutes...Erin in a stroller, Zach in my lap crying. Not hysterical, not pitching a fit, but a controlled sob....I don't want my hair cut, I come back tomorrow. Finally the lady that cuts his hair asked another man if we could go ahead...he gave me a dirty look and marched passed while throwing his number at me...friendly man. SO, Zach hoped up in the seat, said Hi to Julia and told her, "I get haircut today." Oh least I held out and waited...I didn't give in and leave because I knew I would never win that battle again and get him back in there...and he trusted me and stayed with was good. Tonight we did the bike ride to get the mail and around the neighborhood...we then had outside play and tubbie time...Zach washed was super cute and she was so happy to have the attention she could have cared that he dumped cup after cup of water on her head. Then he asked if he could watch Daddy read they held hands and walked to the living room. I tell you I wanted to cry and was upset my camera was across the house. They watched and both smiled a lot. Erin went to bed first again so I could have Zach time...he asked me to lay down with him and cuddle...I usually say no, not to start any habits, but told him okay...I asked if he enjoyed his movie and he told me yes and before I knew it he was asleep...I just laid there and listened to him breath...oh those moments are priceless and I am so thankful every time I capture one...
So, it was a good day again...a few bumps here and there, but we are hanging in there and doing well. I have lunch plans both days this weekend and I am happy with that actually...tomorrow will be at the park at close to Erin's nap time, but a good time and chance to get out of the house...Then Sunday lunch at 2 at a friends house off that will be nice for all of us. Then Monday will be here and the week begins again with fun stuff and busy days. Zach was exhausted tonight and most of the day, so some down time this weekend will do us all good.
I am off to read some more of my book and get into my jammies early...
Again I want to say thank you to everyone for being so awesome. I know so many of you have done this and get it and others are being super about understanding and supporting me along the way. I love that I have such great friends and an awesome family.
Here are a few photos from the day...Be ware I will be posting more photos so Brandon can log on eventually and see the kids on here too...
Sweet Erin...
Zach after his hair cut...he wasn't in a picture mood and I told him to suck it up for me...this is what I got....
Erin in her goofy blue glasses from the pretend doctor kit...she loves these things and giggles up a storm when I put them on on the photo to make it bigger, he expression is too cute!
Using his whistle to make the Thomas train toy go...both Sally and Erin hate this toy and the damn whistle...
I asked them to share the bubble care was a huge instigator of both their melt downs last night...this is what I got...wonderful moment as a mom!!!!
Movie time with Daddy sweet to see them watching with smiles...
Sweet face...


AprilJ said...

Rock on, sister friend.. you're a hero :) Love from up where it's cold.

Anonymous said...

So proud of you Cara. You are a real hero in my eyes. Proud of Zachary for waiting for Julia. The pictures of the children are wonderful. Thank you for sharing so much with all of us who love you dearly.............Mom oxoxo