Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Wrap - up!

Quick blog tonight...sorry no photos!
Today was the big dentist went surprisingly well. Zach went first, got all his x-rays, teeth cleaned, flossed and counted. You could see his big teeth on the xray just sitting right behind his baby ones. I fear the freak out he will have when he gets a loose tooth and worse yet, one has to fall out or be pulled...ugh. I think that will be a rough hurdle for my little man...but we will see. He had 3 potential cavities, but none right now that needed treatment...yeah! After spending close to a thousand dollars in CA on his teeth, I am glad we are not doing that this year. Erin went next and did better than expected. She said no to the xrays...said, no thank you, berry scary. She is too much. She did let them clean her teeth while held in my arms...sure she cried, but I expected much worse. No vomit, so that was great. She still is waiting on her 2nd molars, but all else was great with her teeth. Yeah.
Tomorrow I will be taking Zach to the doctor...he complained of an ear ache Tuesday night, ran a low grade fever yesterday and then today he had two instances of being upset about his chest hurting and a funny taste. His dentist mentioned that he might be an acid reflux sufferer...not a shock since he had that as an infant. I am going to just get some info from the doctor and options. Poor kid can't catch a break it seems. I hope his ears are clear, if not looks like the next trip to the ENT in 3 weeks will be one where we discuss tubes again.
After his appointment I think Brandon is going to take him back to school so I can stay on base and shop at the commissary. I never get over there since it is just simply easier to go off base since we live off base. I do like to go to the commissary though to save money and actually some items I love they only carry there. Funny since in CA and every other base I never got the stuff I love there. I swapped more books on my book swap that.
Lots to do this weekend...little errands and things around the house on my to do list. Might have a moms night out with playgroup friends Saturday, still up in the air.
Next weekend we have two dates planned. Yeah. Using the same sitter we used last month for the 30th...she worked well last time, but is very flaky about getting back to us and it is hard to make plans with her. Brandon's boss at work has a 15 year old daughter that lives around the corner from us and interested in she will come on Friday and we will do a trial run with her. Erin has been much more willing to be around strangers lately and I think that there might be hope with her doing okay with a sitter. We will see. I think if Zach is with her she will always be okay and willing to try, he is her person.
Not much else to report....I finished Firefly Lane last night and on to a new Anita Shreve far so good. I am off to bed!!


Jo Mama said...

Glad to hear the dentist went well. Erin cracks me up....I don't know about you, but I really need a babysitter fairy to show up at my house. Good luck with that :)

Kelley said...

Berry scary...that made me smile!! Glad the dentist went so well! And good for you, with all the reading!!

AprilJ said...

We finally have a dentist up here that my kids don't melt down with. He's an old F4 pilot so he is crusty which works great with Kara and Clay.. SO, I recommend a book for you: Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier. It's an oldie but a goodie. Also, what is the name of the Anita Shreve? I love her stuff..