Sunday, January 31, 2010


Well my birthday celebrating has finally it was great. I had a nice birthday...a great weekend. My birthday was a nice day filled with singing by my little guy as I woke up, coffee with a good friend, lunch with Zachary and time with my kids after school playing and just having fun. Yummy cake too...VERY YUMMY!
Brandon and I used a new sitter Friday night and went to a movie. We used a 15 year old girl whose dad is actually one of Brandon's bosses. She did a great job with the kids and Erin didn't cry...yeah! I was so thrilled to see her let us leave and not get upset. This was huge for her and for us. We saw the Blind Side. I was crying 5 minutes into the movie. It is a true story and literally just was so touching I was very moved. It reminded me of every instinct I had that lead me to go into social work and ever desire I have to return. I loved the movie and I loved the way I felt after watching...that passion to do more is still there inside me and I hope one day soon I can put it to good use. Great movie...go see it if you haven't yet.
We then had a great Saturday...well lets be fair, I had a great Saturday. I went to the new Marriott Resort here in San Antonio. Brandon gave me a spa day and I loved every single indulgent, relaxing moment of it. I think I have to say, I deserved it....for me that is not an easy thing to say. I am a big worry wart and I often lack the ability to put things aside and take time for myself. Last year I had a husband deployed, all the business and issues with Zach, a move and all that has come since. I really have been stressed thinking about Zach's upcoming ARD meeting and needed a day to just not think about it all and unwind. It was fabulous. I got home and enjoyed some time with my kids and then got to go on date number two with Brandon to a great restaurant in New Braunfels. It was a fun night and again the kids did so well. I am so thankful Erin is finally willing and able to let us go out and leave her with someone.
So, my birthday weekend was great...I enjoyed it all and feel so thankful I had time to be with my family and enjoy every moment.
Big week ahead with Zach's ARD revisions. Prayers would be greatly appreciated for it to go well and them to agree to the changes we feel are very much necessary and needed for Zach. I am off to read and get to bed...

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Birthday Eve...

Today was an okay day...hoping my day tomorrow is better. Little things today just weren't right. Went for a long walk with Erin and must have left my brain at home, or in bed...didn't notice that the reason the strolled seemed harder to push was that the tires were low...I was convinced I was that out of shape. I have had a toothache all day...trying to ignore it...refuse to let it spoil my birthday or the wonderful Italian Cream Cake my husband ordered for me from a local bakery. I am giddy with excitement. Still pissed off about the advocated flaking on us and that has had me all upset all day...I know I need to move on...trying. I had asked a friend to come over with her boys today for a playdate while our therapist for Zach is here and she had said yes, even saw her last night and she was a no response to emails. Hmmm...Kids both had good days, I think I am just tired and need to hit the day...wake up refreshed and enjoy my day. I am off to get coffee in the AM with my friend Nicole, we knew each other in Abilene...then lunch with Zach at his school...then kill some time before I get Erin....then time with my family. I did have book club tomorrow, but honestly, I would rather just sit around and enjoy my family...I know two little faces that will be full of smiles, kisses and singing me happy birthday all day long. Can't wait.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Tuesdays are always long days for me...on the go from 9-5:30...which for anyone who works outside the home is nothing new, but for a stay at home mom to be out of the home that long and on the go, it is a long day.
Today I had a meeting with the advocate for Zach's ARD...went well and we had high hopes for the meeting next week with her help, but as usual she emailed us tonight, after 5 PM to say she can't make the ARD time. So irritated. This has already been rescheduled and is a month later than we had hoped...the whole committee of people has to be present, so it is a lot of schedules to juggle. I am not happy that she agreed to it and then backed out, but we need to press forward with or without her.
I ran around doing errands...had to get Brandon new socks and black tshirts (uniform stuff) today...socks were harder to find than I had thought. Pharmacy on base to pick up meds. Commisary to get things in the house we were out of or low on...unpacked groceries, threw in some laundry and back to get Erin at school at 2...came home, fed her, folded clothes, cleaned up, packed up and off to get Zach by 3...drove to New Braunfels for speech and nap for Erin in the car we had to hang out in the waiting speech, therapist not there..seriously can they not call me ahead and tell me? Had to pay for his social groups that start next week, thought I paid by week, oh no, all at once. Ugh! Oh and it is every Wednesday from 4-5 for the next 6 weeks...not once a month as I had thought...ugh again since his ABA person does W/F with us from 3:30-5:30. Not good...So I will have to work on that change tomorrow too...
Then I came home to make dinner for the kids, get things put away, change and off to my first night of Bunko. My friend Kristine started a Bunko group. I signed up and went. It was a blast, fun group of moms and I really liked everyone a lot. I think it will be a great group for me. A lot of the ladies have their kids in the preschool I had wanted to send Erin when we moved here, but they were full. I am seriously thinking of moving her there next fall. I have heard nothing but rave reviews about it and really liked it when we visited it last spring. The idea of my baby being ready for preschool is insane to me right now.

Erin and Zach have had a good week, Zach on green two days in a row and Erin in a pretty good mood this week and doing lots of fun things. Play date tomorrow with Kristine's boys facilitated by Carrie the ABA therapist. Should be interesting.
I am off to bed...going to watch General that soap and it is Awesome this week!!! First my exercises, then tv and bed...gotta do my stretches!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sick again...

Well I had a great night out with some new friends I met through the playgroup I joined. Six of us met at Chuy's. We chatted and had a great time...getting to know each other better and enjoying the adult conversation. It was great. I really feel lucky to have gotten to be such great people here and making what feels like some great friendships with people. I can't tell you how nice it is to also have these be my friendships. Most places we have lived I have met my friends through Brandon, via his work, classmates, living on base, etc. For the first time in a long time I have had the chance to meet a lot of people on my own, through my interests or the kids and it is really nice.
I came home to find a cute boy sleeping in my spot in the bed. Brandon said he woke up crying and complaining of ear pain. He had no fever and Brandon gave him some Motrin for pain and he fell back asleep. I went to bed in the guest room and slept awful. I got up this AM and when I saw Zach knew, this won't be good. He looked as pale as a snow and not at all alert. Glazed over eyes and burning up. His fever was almost 103. I gave him Tylenol and it didn't go down much and he just started to look worse. Brandon got up, dressed, I packed the bag and the boys headed off to BAMC's ER. Zach threw up on the way there. Poor kid. Sure enough, double ear infection. BLAH! I have an appointment with the ENT in two weeks and I am sure we will be scheduling tubes...this is just too many. He already has enough going on that each ear infection is a hard interruption to so many thing. It affects his hearing and he already has auditory processing issues with Autism. He becomes much more spacey, also something we deal with already. And he is allergic to almost all medicines at this point, so we run out of options to treat him.
So, today was a day spent inside doing not much. I had planned to go walking with Sally, but it was windy and I didn't want to take Erin out....we waited most of the day for the boys. We played Aqua doodle a lot and had fun. When Zach got home they played Wii for hours...finally we had to send Zach to his room where he took a long nap. Erin fell asleep watching TV too. Both then returned to more Wii time tonight. They love that Wii. It is fun and something we can do as a family, so I don't mind. So I saw a lot of this tonight...
At least he was smiling...I had a game ready for him for Valentine's Day, but gave it to him early since he was sick, so he had big smiles.
Erin and Daddy...
Here he is playing his little league world series baseball...
Mesmerized by the Wii...
Happy Family...(makes me think of chinese food)...everyone had fun and that was fine by me.

Hoping he will wake up tomorrow feeling better and able to go to school, but not sure. No matter what I just hope he has a good day and more smiles.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Today was a good day...

Today was a good day...those are days when we do nothing special, but it is still fun and everyone is happy. Most of all those are days when Zach is very alert, talkative, engaged and in a good mood. These are days that I almost don't want bedtime to come and for the day to end. I love days like today with him.
We had planned a play date with my friend Kristine, her two boys, my kids and the ABA therapist today here...but as it always goes, plans fell through. The therapist had car issues and Kristine's boys were up late last night and we thought since the therapist wouldn't be here, we would we are on for next Wednesday. Kristine is great fun and I appreciate that she is willing to let me "use" her kids to help aid his therapy. To me that is the sign of a fantastic friend. She also started a Bunko group and invited me to join and be a permanent I am excited to go to my first one next Tuesday night. Yeah!!!
Today was super sunny later in the day, but this morning was very bad I chose to not do my errands and stay in with Erin. I drove Zach to school this AM and on the way he said this, "Dear God, Please make the fog go away and my friend the sun come out. Love Zachary" I explained we usually say Amen at the end of prayers. So he repeated all of that and added, and Amen. So cute.
It got nice later in the day and we were able to play outside for a bit...Erin did, Zach chose to stay in and play Wii. He is loving it and I can't blame him, it is fun. Erin had a blast being outside and even accessorized with her new tutu. She is too much some days, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Here she is on her swing...Love that face!!!
Playing with trucks in her tutu...too much!
Zach last week with his new therapist Carrie...notice who is in her lap...Erin has taken to her in a big way.
We had a fun night too...after the kids played rock band and got in their jammies we played hide and seek. Old days of doing this were painful. Zach would hide, I use that term lightly, in the middle of a room and then tell me, "I'm right here Mom". Oh it was not good. So we got better over Thanksgiving with my parents and tonight even better. We had the kids hide and seek together for us. Safety in numbers. :) Both were surprisingly quiet and didn't give themselves away. And they hid in good spots. I was super proud of them both. We had a ball and I laughed harder than I have in a long time. Simple games are still the best fun some times. Tomorrow just getting some errands done, hanging out and then I am going out for dinner and mom's night out with friends from my playgroup. I feel so social it is scary. :)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wednesday Wrap - up!

Quick blog tonight...sorry no photos!
Today was the big dentist went surprisingly well. Zach went first, got all his x-rays, teeth cleaned, flossed and counted. You could see his big teeth on the xray just sitting right behind his baby ones. I fear the freak out he will have when he gets a loose tooth and worse yet, one has to fall out or be pulled...ugh. I think that will be a rough hurdle for my little man...but we will see. He had 3 potential cavities, but none right now that needed treatment...yeah! After spending close to a thousand dollars in CA on his teeth, I am glad we are not doing that this year. Erin went next and did better than expected. She said no to the xrays...said, no thank you, berry scary. She is too much. She did let them clean her teeth while held in my arms...sure she cried, but I expected much worse. No vomit, so that was great. She still is waiting on her 2nd molars, but all else was great with her teeth. Yeah.
Tomorrow I will be taking Zach to the doctor...he complained of an ear ache Tuesday night, ran a low grade fever yesterday and then today he had two instances of being upset about his chest hurting and a funny taste. His dentist mentioned that he might be an acid reflux sufferer...not a shock since he had that as an infant. I am going to just get some info from the doctor and options. Poor kid can't catch a break it seems. I hope his ears are clear, if not looks like the next trip to the ENT in 3 weeks will be one where we discuss tubes again.
After his appointment I think Brandon is going to take him back to school so I can stay on base and shop at the commissary. I never get over there since it is just simply easier to go off base since we live off base. I do like to go to the commissary though to save money and actually some items I love they only carry there. Funny since in CA and every other base I never got the stuff I love there. I swapped more books on my book swap that.
Lots to do this weekend...little errands and things around the house on my to do list. Might have a moms night out with playgroup friends Saturday, still up in the air.
Next weekend we have two dates planned. Yeah. Using the same sitter we used last month for the 30th...she worked well last time, but is very flaky about getting back to us and it is hard to make plans with her. Brandon's boss at work has a 15 year old daughter that lives around the corner from us and interested in she will come on Friday and we will do a trial run with her. Erin has been much more willing to be around strangers lately and I think that there might be hope with her doing okay with a sitter. We will see. I think if Zach is with her she will always be okay and willing to try, he is her person.
Not much else to report....I finished Firefly Lane last night and on to a new Anita Shreve far so good. I am off to bed!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Two for Tuesday...

Today was a good day...all around! Zach went off to school in a good mood, ate a good breakfast and ready to take on the day. When I went to get him he had been on green (best behavior) and was grinning ear to ear. I love to see that he is proud of his behavior and excited to share the exciting news with me when he gets in the car. He went off to speech and OT where he did okay, but came out complaining that his ear hurt. I gave him some motrin and tylenol (a trick our neighbor in CA told us when Zach had bad ear pain)...he slept the ride home and was good the rest of the night...we will see how the night goes.
Erin also had a good day. She went off to school with smiles and excited to see her friends. She now goes in without a loot of fuss and is usually willing to go and play and let me leave without an issue. I came back to get her at 2 and she was smiling, happy and in a good mood again. We got home and she started to snack on her lunch...she always asks for her lunch box as soon as we get home, but won't eat at school. So funny to me, Zach used to do the same thing in CA on the way back from Palmdale to Edwards. So she started to snack and I got some cute photos of her in a good mood.

That is my Erin, smiley, happy and a little doll. We had a fun day and she was just in great spirits today, full of laughter. I love days like today...not a meltdown or attitude, just happy! At the age of 2 that my friends is rare, but treasured.
We enjoyed a yummy dinner that Brandon created when we first got married and we still eat all the the time...Big B's Chicken. Had some fun Mario Cart time and then off to bed for the small ones.
I finished my book Firefly Lane...tearjerker!!!! Great book though. I am going to start Anita Shreve, "Testimony" tonight. Love my pile of books that I am going fun!
Went to Academy Sports today and used my alone time to get some bday gifts to myself, new running tennis shoes that were on sale (new balance) and some orthodicts to put in them to help my arch...since I am now officially flatfooted! It should help my knee pain and shin splints as I start my running...I had hoped to head today with Sally, but it was foggy and raining here until about 1. Maybe Thursday.
Tomorrow I have the pleasure of taking both kids to the dentist in the AM...Pray for me now and that poor dentist. I fear Erin will not handle this well at all and after hundreds of dollars spent in dental bills for Zach, I am expected more of the same. We have worked so hard with him on this, so we will see.
I am off to watch some tv and read and then to bed...must be well rested for my big day. After a few days in PT for my back and feeling fine, I went today and I am not in a lot of pain today. Awesome...I might pop a motrin too!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Much Ado About Monday...

Today we were in luck, everyone was home on a Monday. Brandon had the day off and Zach was out of school, so we chose to do something fun and new. We hadn't been to the zoo since we moved here and really thought this might be a great day. After several weeks of cold weather and rainy days, it was a nicer day to be outside. The zoo is in a great part of town that seems to have a lot of other things to, parks, restaurants, etc. We waiting until the morning fog burned off and headed out on our adventure. I had heard mixed reviews about this zoo, so we weren't sure what we might find...we liked it!
It is a nice, clean zoo...easy to get to and the parking isn't bad. It is right next to a big local park, so you can even wander around before or after if you choose, cute train ride also available that we didn't do today, but will try to do next time.
The kids loved the zoo and had a blast looking at all the animals. We went so rarely in CA since we didn't have one close. I did take Zach often to the Phoenix Zoo when my parents lived there, but Erin hasn't been much. Both kids were very engaged in the animals and talked a bunch about what they saw. It was a good trip for sure with no meltdowns...always a plus. I really liked the zoo and plan to head back more with Erin and hopefully Zach too.
I added some photos to share of our day there.

When we got home Erin was tired so she took a nice long nap and I sent Brandon out with Zachary for some guy time. It was time for Zach to try to ride his bike without the training wheels. This has been on our to do list for some time. Zachary hasn't been keen on trying and honestly with him it isn't worth the battles when he isn't read to try. He often just needs to do it when he is good and ready. Today I told him it was time to try...that other kids his age were all saying goodbye to training wheels...he is almost 6, etc. I felt a bit bad doing that, but again, sometimes with him you need to and when it works, it works. He went to a parking lot down the way with Brandon and within 4 minutes was riding on his own. He didn't do it for long and wasn't a pro, but he did and tried and asked later if he could do it again. I have a video of it on Brandon's phone, but have no idea how to download on I will see if Brandon can do that for me. Hopefully this is another thing he can be proud to have accomplished. We had a rough morning with him...lack of listening, paying attention, etc. It is almost like he just completely checks out and isn't there. I was actually in tears before we went to the zoo with frustration. It is hard some days to feel like we still aren't getting the help he needs because when he is evaluated they only see a fraction of him. Zachary in small doses does appear very normal. He is able do so many things and is so smart that often the things he struggles with go unnoticed to people that don't know him well or have a lot of time with him. But there are there and a constant factor in our lives. Some days it is easier to overlook than others. Some days it doesn't hurt as much to see the differences in him and other children, even his own sister.
Thankfully the day got better and he was able to "snap out" of his mood and enjoy the zoo. I am glad we got to do this together and so glad that something as simple as going to the zoo for the day is now an option for us whenever we want. Very good day indeed!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Long, Lazy Day...

We saw a lot of this around here Yesterday. Zach, Erin and Brandon all got in on the rock band action. I have say it was cute to watch them all rock out and play in a band together.
Today we are off to church soon and then I have a ton of cleaning to do around this nasty house of mine. Just a mess I tell you. Sheets, towels, floors, and much more. I am on a mission. I still have a ton of returns to get over to the stone oak shopping center, but that might or might not get done today. I had wanted to have all of us go together to show Brandon something up there I had liked, but not sure if we will make it up there or not.
Erin is still acting crabby, so I am not sure how she is feeling. I am hoping this will run its course without a trip to the doctor and being on medicine. Tomorrow we plan to hit the zoo....haven't been here yet and I am anxious to go. I think it will be a great day with both boys home from work and school and the weather should hit 70...perfect! Fingers crossed nothing occurs between now and then to throw that plan off course.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Scissors...not my friends today...

So I know the drill, every mom has a story about their child and scissors and they are all usually more traumatic for the mom than the child. Not only is the mom upset by the awful haircut their child gives them self, but the fact that they left scissors somewhere that their child was able to use. I have been very careful from day one about my scissors and learned from the horror stories of my friends and memory of watching a friend cut off another friends pig tail...yes pig tail not pony tail...that was bad. But I didn't expect to have my own child come home from Kindergarten with a bald spot. How does that happen? How did no one see that? Why did he have his scissors out? So many things I am asking right now. I am not at all happy...slightly glad it wasn't on my watch, but none the less shouldn't have been at school. So this is the new hair style Zach is sporting. Hopefully this will be a one time occurrence for this family and this child.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Shenanigans with Sally...

Poor Sally...I sometimes feel like she is the step ford child of this house. She is such a good dog in so many ways. One of which is that she is great with the kids. We had our concerns prior kids. She was a mess and I wasn't sure she would last with us if she kept up some of her behavior. I think she knew we meant business and shaped up quick. From the first day Zachary came home she has been so good with him and they became the best of friends...her relationship with Erin got off to a slower start...Erin showed less interest in her at first. To be fair Zach had nothing in his life other than me and Sally during those first two years. Erin had Zachary to entertain her. With him off at school their relationship has gotten better and better and now they are buddies too. Erin always asks about Sally when we get home from being somewhere. It is pretty cute. She now is into a phase Zach was once in, giving Sally treats.
I have told them they have to get her to do tricks to give her a treat, otherwise the poor animal would be given milk bones by the truckload. They both know how to get her to speak...pretty darn cute to watch them get her to do it. When she does and they are so very proud of themselves as she barks on command and waits for her treats. Here are some photos of the fearsome threesome in action. My house is often a zoo and I love it.
Two on one...poor Sally.
Erin trying to get Sally to speak...
Zachary working his magic...
They are amazing kids and I love that they love their dog. I really love how much Sally loves them too. She is a good dog and not a day goes by that I am not grateful for her being a member of our family. (Insert thanks to April and Clayton again). Sister Sally is awesome...she will officially be a member of our family for 9 years at the end of the month...

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Crock Pot recipe to share...

Tortilla Soup - Yummy!

3 Cups bonless chicken cubed 2 cups whole kernel corn 1 large yellow onion chopped 2 cloves garlic, minced 2 cans or 14 ounces chicken broth 1 can tomato puree I can diced tomatoes with green chilies 3 tbsp fresh lime (you can skip this and be fine) 1 tsp salt (again you can skip, usually the broth is salty enough) 2 tsp ground cumin2 tsp chili powder 1 bay leaf 1/4 tsp pepper 1/8 tsp cayenne pepper 2 cups shredded cheese (mexican blend or plain cheddar) combine all ingredients except cheese and tortilla chips into crock pot....cover and cook on high for 6 hours...I usually find it is done before that if on high, so could go on low for 8-10 I am sure. Discard bay leaf...heat tortillas or soup in bowls garnish with cheese, chips and cilantro if you choose. Enjoy!

Swimming milestones...

This picture was taken at the end of last summer...I haven't had a chance to get one of him at the swim center he attends in town...My little fish!
Last night was a big milestone for Zachary. He has been taking swim classes at a place we found here last summer, Swim and Tumble school. It has a huge indoor swimming pool, so we thought it would be a great spot to send him year round. When we moved here Zach was still overly attached to his life vest we had used at Edwards. They had a baby pool that was not so fun and a big pool, but no shallow area for kids who weren't babies and wanted to be in the big was way too deep. He never felt safe. They offered life vest there because they didn't let you use any other kind of floatie...standard of the AF to be super rule driven and make a simple thing like a trip to the pool full of protocol. Not complaining....glad we had a pool, but it was a huge negative with a kid like Zach...he learned to jump with the vest and then thought, with no vest I can's swim. We tried all summer to coax him out of the luck. Brought him to the pool with luck. Finally we went to this school and he had to go in with no vest and they started slow with lessons. Erin went too, but after the puking in the pool her days were numbered and I eventually took her out all together.
Well Zachary went from being scared of swimming to my fish. Last summer he went to our pool one day and told me he didn't need his vest anymore and that was that. We have had him up there in classes since the summer and he has been stuck at level 2 for months. He refused to open his eyes under water without his goggles. Every week the same thing, you can't move forward unless you do this skill, etc. So last night I was done. This isn't being mean, but it is expensive and if they can't move him he is only learning the same skills over and over. I told Brandon to ask the owner if they can make an exception until he gets over this fear. She actually brought it up to him before he said anything and said they would move him on since his diagnosis was in the file and just continue to encourage him. Before he had left I told him he needed to just try once...he would get to ring the bell and move to a big class, like going from Kindergarten to first grade...but if he wouldn't try we might have to stop going. I know, I know, that seems mean, but I felt like he wasn't getting it.
Sure enough moments after Brandon spoke to the owner, he went to watch came the goggles and he went under and opened his eyes. I swear this child has a way of just shocking the hell out of us. Just when we think he won't go over that hurdle he musters up the stuff to do it. He called me after he changed and was so excited...I could here it in his voice...pride! He got to ring the big bell at the pool and got a medal. He was absolutely beaming when he got home. I am so proud of him in every single way.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Weekend wrap up!

This weekend was good...we had an eventful one without going crazy and being too busy, which is nice. Friday night was low key and we didn't do anything but enjoy being together. Saturday we played and did some things at home that needed to get done...We then went to see a play at the Children's Magik Theatre here in San Antonio...our second one there. This one was the "True Story of the Three Little Pigs". Super cute and the kids both loved it. Big hit and we will for sure go back next month to the next play...they do a new one about every 4-6 weeks. I am so thankful to have such fun things to do with the kids. I love getting to expose them to things like this. We had planned to go to church Saturday night since we are hoping to see if it is a different priest that does that mass. The one we go to isn't the best speaker. But Zach's allergies were acting up and he wasn't in the mood. We skipped this AM since Brandon is on general duty...gets to be his escort for the next few days. Fun, fun! Today we met up with some new friends and went to an indoor jump place up near when Zach goes to therapy. It was fun and clean and I will head back for sure. :) The kids had a blast and were in bed early due to no naps and a lot of running around. Brandon is off with the general and I am at home enjoying the quiet.
I have been good at keeping up with my reading, scrapbooking not as much...I did organize some things to get a few pages done, but never got the time. My new obsession is a website I was told about. I love ebay, but it isn't the best for book I was told to check I love it and now am hooked. You list the books you are ready to be done with or have read and don't want to keep...if someone wants them, they request mail them at your cost and then get a credit and can request a book from anyone else. I have requested two kids books for Zach and have gotten rid of 3 of mine with 3 more on hold for someone. So fun. I know I have issues, it is the little things people.
I have had no ability to get out and run/walk with the cold temps since I didn't want to make Erin be in her stroller for me to go work out. I hope that it heats up soon and we can do that.
I am off to watch tv, eat some salad and enjoy!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Vegas Baby!

Some of you might know and some might not, but I have been married twice. No, nothing scandalous. Brandon and I had our wedding planned for March 18th in Scottsdale and as always the Air Force changed our plans a bit. They were going to send Brandon to Mountain Home Idaho for a year before going to Enid for pilot training...that date moved up, but before it did we scrambled for ideas. When I graduated from U of A, I had no health insurance which we knew if I was married I would have. At that time it was important for me to have insurance since I was having strange numbness in my leg and tests run. Also I had the majority of things, and in order to move them to Idaho we had to be married. Add on making more money for BAH (housing) subsistence (food) and other things we chose a Vegas wedding. Actually to be fair, my dad encouraged it. We headed up there this weekend 10 years ago and got married in a Ghetto Fabulous place with a strange mystic lady. It was an odd night, but we have laughed about it a lot since then. We still had our beautiful fairy tale wedding (thanks mom and dad) a few months later, March 18th. But this is our actual, legal wedding and something we never forget. We usually celebrate the March one, but never miss the chance to remember this day too...So here is an old photo from our wedding how we have changed since then.

January 9th, 2000 Las Vegas


November 26th, 2009 Scottsdale


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Busy week...

So far this has been a bus week...My parents got off to an early start Tuesday and left right after Zach headed off to school. I then got Erin ready for school and took her...headed to Walmart for some shopping...I hate to go with the kids, so I chose that day to go alone and get what I needed. I then headed home, unpacked it all, showered and headed off to meet with the advocate we are using for Zach's revised ARD (IEP) we are asking for. Ran from that back to pick up Erin...then home to gather up some things...pick up Zach at school and then drive to New Braunfels for speech and OT...then home at 5:30. Whew!
The process for this ARD is very different because it isn't an annual one or a re-evaluation, we are requesting the one they did in October be revised based on some inconsistencies in it and some issues that we see occurring. Because it is a legal document that the school makes regarding Zachary's needs based on being a special ed kiddo, we wanted to make sure that things are correct. We have had some issues as of late with insurance approval for his services privately and also an issue before Christmas break when he had a substitute teacher. We want to be sure what we are asking for is appropriate, but more importantly, what is getting is what he deserves by law. The woman was quite helpful and gave us some great ideas. She will also attend the actual meeting with us to help us voice our concerns as a non biased party. She will be there to help insure the legal points of interest are met and our concerns are heard. I am feeling good about that. I am a bit disheartened to realize that again so much falls on the parents. To create and implement forms for the teacher to fill out on his his behavior, social interaction, and other concerns we want to have a record of as well as awareness. It is important that information is passed back and forth from the teacher to us in form so that we don't miss anything. Also she suggested we create a behavior and action plan if Zach becomes upset. Hopefully we can get all of that done and in place soon. The ARD was set for next week and we have to postpone because two members of the group are unavailable and we want everyone there. Fingers crossed it gets scheduled soon and all the things we need changed get changed.
I had a doctor's appointment this AM for my back news yet...then Zach had one at Wilford Hall with the is about 45 minutes from our house with no traffic, so it made for a long day. He will go back in mid February for a follow up and to see what we can do about his ear infections, pain, etc. He is basically allergic to most meds so we are very limited on how to treat him at this point. He gave us some home remedies to help with his ear pressure caused by him having retracted eardrum. We will see if he will need more tubes in the future...his first set was at 18 months...right tube came out around age 3 and left was just taken out today...sitting in the ear canal when the Dr. looked in that was good and shocking since we had been told it was out over 6 months ago. :)
Tomorrow off to get my hair cut also in the town we take Zach to for speech and OT and most likely get some things done at home before getting Erin. I don't plan to run around a lot since it is supposed to be bitterly cold here tomorrow. I had wanted to run some little errands, but I think I might wait and tackle those next week.
This weekend we have another play at the Majik Theatre to take the kids to...the true story of the 3 Little Pigs. Should be cute and now we know to get there early...finding a seat last time was not fun.
Found a friend here that is willing to go to sewing classes with me and train for a 5K...super excited. I hope we can accomplish both and I am up to doing it all. So far I have read the chronological bible each night...done two scrapbook pages with plans to work on more this weekend.
Off to bed now...

Monday, January 4, 2010

Last few days...

We have had a good few days since the new year began...My parents are on the road traveling from Arizona to NC and stopped her along the way. We always love their visits and are so thankful they take the time to spend a few days here with us. The kids have been in heaven and I think will be in full depression with their departure. We enjoyed a lot of time at home, playing, laughing and giving hugs and kisses. It was uneventful, but tons of fun. :) Zachary and Erin enjoyed the time so much and took full advantage of the extra hugs and kisses. But they say you can't spoil a child with love, so no harm done, right? Zach went back to school today and Erin heads to KDO tomorrow. I have a several appointments lined up this week. We rescheduled his ARD for next week and are meeting with an advocate tomorrow to discuss things about the legality of the ARD and changes we want made. Hopefully it will be helpful. I wanted my parents to see his school...they hadn't been before to see the we went up for his lunch time to see him. He was beside himself excited. He invited a little girl to sit with us from his class. He invited my parents to eat and asked if they wanted to go in the lunch line. It was pretty cute. I was glad they got to his school and some of his friends...a glimpse into our life. Memories that we are thankful to have and will hold dear.
Just wanted to share a few photos taken while they were here...we will miss them a lot!!!
The kids before church on Sunday...

All of us heading out to dinner...
The boys...
Brandon and I....
My mom and dad...
Zach at lunch at school...
My mom and Erin playing this little piggy...
Wonderful memories of smiles and laughter!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Goals...

A few days ago I listed my new years resolutions from last year and looked back on my year and my progress. I have made some progress, but still had areas that needed more work. Over the past few weeks I have been reflecting on my year and things that I would like to change in my life. I have a lot of things that are going well right now...I am happy with many aspects of my life, but I am feeling the need to make some changes and to learn to appreciate so much more. So my goals go along with that.
Not in any level of priority, just stream of thought typing...

1. To take time for my scrap booking and have a goal of 12 pages per month completed. So about 144 for the year. This will get me caught up on what I am behind and keep me up to date for sure. I am excited with my new table and space in the guest room to have an area to work on things...I am excited to see if I can accomplish this goal.

2. I have enjoyed my reading this past year and plan to continue making the time for that...I am in a book club here and plan to keep going to that and reading on my own...

3. This goes along with the above mentioned...I plan to read a book sent to me by a great friend...The Chronological Bible. I am excited to read it and really look forward to what I will learn from reading the Bible in its entirety during this year. We have started as a family to focus on our time at church and it's place in our life, our family and I am so thankful for that.

4. This one is more of a challenge, but also a goal for myself. I hate to run...hate, hate, hate it. I am not a fan of going to the gym, working out, any of the above. But, I am also not getting younger and need to make myself do these things. I have had a bad habit in my life to quit things when it was too hard or whatever the reason might be...I want to make myself do something I know I don't want to do and make myself follow through. So I am signing up to run a 5K race....I plan to train to do it and get myself able to run and then do it. Might sound like nothing to most, but for me this is a big deal, I really hate running.

5. I am going to take sewing classes on base and finally learn to sew!!!

6. Continue to work on my personality...patience, tone of voice, temperament, etc. Living in the moment and not letting myself get frustrated by the little things as much.

7. The last one is a the hardest one next to the running. As much as I hate running, I love shopping. I am going to put myself on a hardcore budget and start really making some changes to our spending as a family...putting more emphasis on saving and investing. Not just saving to save, but saving for things we need and being careful about it. I know that while I was Edwards my being unhappy led me to shop...sounds silly, but is in fact a reality. I see it for what it is and want to make some changes now in how I choose to spend my money. I am excited to see what changes we can make!

So there you have it...I am on a mission...well a few to be exact. Hopefully with some will power and support I can accomplish my goals this year and be able to check off more things in 2011 that I can say I did. Wish me luck!!!