Friday, January 2, 2009


Life has be a bit turbulent lately...Not a lot I was interested in chatting about on here...sorry for the long delay to anyone taking note. I have a ton of photos to post as soon as I get a chance I will get on that...I just haven't had the time to do it yet.
Still no word on my husbands return, that is always fun and frustrating. We were hopeful it was on the 5th, since we are leaving here the morning of the would give us some time it looks who knows.
I have so much to be thankful for as I look back on this year and all the blessing in my life...Zach and Erin being the two big stand outs...I also have a lot to work on...

1. My patience...need to not jump the gun with the kids so much...
2. My tone of voice and temper...kindness works wonders if I can muster up the self restrain.
3. Making real dinners now that Brandon "will be" home...
4. Making time to walk...I miss my long walks with Sally.
5. Continue my reading...I have loved being back into books so much and taking time for me to read good books...I have been about a book a week or two weeks this deployment and it feels great...
6. SCRAPBOOK...I fell sadly behind on this one during the deployment and have nine million pictures and supplies awaiting me.
7. Continue to do individual things with the kids to make them feel special and foster those one on one times that are so great...
8. Try to live in the moment as much as I can....this is actually my number one. Be thankful for all I have and not let a moment go by that I am not realizing life is such a great gift...letting things that don't matter go and working on what life for now and as it is...

So there are my 2009 goals...let's see how I later...


Kelley said...

I'm sorry to hear about the turbulence you're experiencing, and the run-around with Brandon's arrival date. Hang in there! I know you are going to be so happy to have him home. That is also a very good list of goals, and I wish you success. I was happy to see some goals for you to have personal time for YOU. I think that is always important...happy new year!!

Unknown said...

So happy to see you back in Blog Land! I was starting to worry ;-)
Isn't the whole waiting game the worst! Good luck and I hope it's not too much longer!