Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Greetings from Panera!

This is a first for me...bringing my laptop to town and blogging from here.  I decided along with my new year's resolutions I have some other changes I need and plan to make...
I have been trying to walk a lot more lately....having Brandon home is a big help...I got to walk this weekend with Sally each AM...long great walks. She loved it and I loved it. I love the chance to be alone with my thoughts and just walk around outside...we got for about an hour and it is a great workout that doesn't feel like it.  So, I came to town today dressed in work out wear and walked around the local park for about 45 minutes...dropped off items at good will and came to Panera for some down time.  It feels good.  I hope to do this more...make time for myself and the chance to walk as much as I can.
So the goodwill part...oh my.  We decided regardless of our upcoming move or place of choice...we will be moving.  It should be this summer, so we have a few precious months to get our "shit" together literally and figuratively.  Man do we need to!  We started with the hall closets...this house is plentiful in closets...sounds great, but closets are also amazing black holes for crap to gather.  Stuff I forget I have an end up buying duplicates of...stuff I forget I have and wish I had known and would have loved to use...just stuff sitting around my house taking up space.  So we worked hard to clear out three closets and the kids...I got rid of a ton and have a ton to take to the thrift store on base as well as place on Ebay...I will be busy, but I am good with that kind of busy. 
So...with that being said I have to face reality....I have a problem. Okay, I know I have had this and most of you that love me know...I am a bit of a shopaholic....I shopped on line a lot when we got here due to the fact we live in no man's land and it was easier.  I could order my heart away, it came to the door, all was good.  Well then the past year and a half of having Zach here in town two days a week added another issue...last year it was me and Erin and we had little places to go other than stores...I shopped...a lot of times I returned what I bought, but I shopped none the less. This year I promised I would do better...I did not.  So....I have to conquer that need to fill what I don't have or I am missing, or whatever psyhco analysis I can come up with and stop the shopping.  My plan is simple. I come to town and walk the park for an hour, change at their bathroom (it works) run any errands I might need to do that are legit...and then take the rest of the time to hang out here or at Barnes and Noble and just have me time.  It will also cut down on my time on the computer at home.  I hope...
So...now that I am in full force clean out mode and working to make my house organized and free of items I don't need, it feels good. I am taking time to think about a future house too...if we live on base or off what we need and what we don't. Things we won't be taking with us from this move...all good to be doing well in advance.  
No decision is made as of yet...we (Brandon and I) thought long and hard this weekend and we have as a family made a choice, but now it is up to the AF to work on making it happen.  He was to go to work today and talk about it and I plan to write later to let you know if I know anything more definitive.  
I am off to a book club tonight...yeah.  I read the book and I am ready to get onto the next one....it was  Great Gatsby and I didn't love it the first time I read it or this time....but I am excited to go to the book club and try something new.  I am also working on quitting drinking diet coke....I love diet coke.  But, I also know I need to get rid of it...I drink a cup of coffee every AM and that should be enough on the caffeine for me...today I had none and feel great...so we will see. For now I am cutting it out and feel good about that too...No, Kelley I am not anywhere near your awesome transformation and clean eating, but I do feel inspired by you and in my own small way, I am trying to make some positive changes too....
So...I am off to go pick up my cutie Zachary from school.  I plan to start the book Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult...I can try to knock that out and move on to the next book club book in no time...I am off...

1 comment:

Kelley said...

I love that you are walking more, and scheduling in some more time for YOU. That is so good! And I'm proud of you for cutting back on the Dt. Cokes :) I'm a freak, so there is no point in comparing yourself to me. Each person has their own hangups and struggles and things they need to get rid of...you can only do what you are willing to do, and if right now that involves less Dt. Coke, then that is wonderful. I'm proud of you!