Friday, January 16, 2009

Back home...

We are back home and I am trying to get back to life as normal as much as I can...wowzer there is a lot to do when you are gone for a month.  I went grocery shopping Wednesday...$175 later I had lots of yummy things in the house.  I got to go alone for the first time in a while...nice!  I got Sally from the kennel.  She is skinny, but super happy to see us and be home.  We took her for a walk on night one and she was tired just going through the neighborhood. I am hopeful she can make it for a long walk with me tonight....I plan to start my new years resolutions of walking her more...double benefit for me and for her.  I also hope I can get back to the gym and walk while I am in town....I dropped a few lbs while Brandon was gone and want to keep them off the right way...holidays didn't help with all the food and special treats!  
I have been cleaning and purging toys and items from the house like a mad women.  Any time you are gone you realize how much you have when you get home that you don't need...well at least I do...more clothes, toys, etc.  I got two bags to good will...items to the thrift store tagged and ready to go and some items to go on ebay as well.  It feels good to clean out and organize some things...
Got a new ottoman for the living room last night at Target that opens up for storage...great to hide some toys and get my house back. Erin is quite the tornado.  I love her to bits and can't get over how fun, sweet and easy she has been, but she is a mess....destruction of all that is my house.  Oh Erin...So this might help me a bit.
Right back into the swing of school for Zach...he was read to go back and needed that stimulus and routine back in his life.  He got a huge welcome at his school in Palmdale yesterday. I about cried...the kids came up and hugged him..."we missed you Zachary...yeah you are back!".  It was great to see.  We got a call that he needs more paperwork and might finally get some behavioral therapy long have we been working on this?  Oh yes, since he was diagnosed in the fall of 2007!!!!  Seriously!
Brandon and I ran around and shopped a bit...found some smoking deals at Target for gifts for the kids for birthdays...half off some things...heard Walmart has some deals in store too, so might head there later...
I have my first book club Monday night...Great Gatsby is the book...almost done....happy to read out of my normal selections for this and then I can get more excited about my non book club book...goal is one book a month for me and one for the book club...
The weather is sunny and nice here so I am thrilled...temps in NC are freezing!  
I better run...busy day with lots to do and lots going on around here...I will post again soon and maybe share some more news...


Kelley said...

Sounds like you are getting back into routine. So glad you are reading for yourself and for your book club. That will make you happy!

AprilJ said...

So glad you are home safe and sound. I got a bunch of stuff at Target today, awesome deals up here which is hard to believe.. but true ;) Poor Sister and her malnutrition while at the kennel. Capone was the same way, God bless him.