Monday, January 5, 2009

Final Hours...

Well it is the final hours of the deployment and I think unless we have any unexpected delays I should be seeing Brandon tomorrow around 2 PM. I am so excited, anxious, you name it. It isn't like a movie when a loved one comes many emotions are involved in the process...worry and concern that the kids will react well and handle it all without fear or confusion. I worry that I will be good at sharing with Brandon...sometimes it is hard to give back responsibilities that were once his and now are mine...also to share the kids when they have been all mine for four months. I am sure some moms think this is insane and imagine throwing the kids at him the moment he gets off the plane, but it isn't like that. I have really enjoyed my time with both Zach and Erin...moments have been hard and trying, but in the end my kids are amazing and wonderful. I am blessed beyond words that both have been pretty healthy and done so well with the deployment. I am thankful for all the love and support I have gotten from my amazing group of friends and from my family. My parents have gone above and beyond to help me both with visits to see us and also the emotional support. I am glad that I have both military friends and non military that have given me encouragement, support and advice. I am very thankful. I have a great husband that has called, written and stayed in touch so well this time...he has supported me and been understanding of my days when I am just done. He is really my best friend...I am glad that when he is gone we can lean on that friendship to help us through. I am nervous about what I will wear silly is that...I better go get the kids in the bath and ready for bed...I want to finish my book tonight too! I am so excited to see what Brandon's reaction will be to the kids...Erin is huge and changed so much...Zach is talking so much better...just a lot for him to take in and see...
So...wish us luck that all goes to plan...tomorrow is the day!


AprilJ said...

About what to wear.... the last time Clayton came home from the desert, there was this random lady none of us really knew and she had on a trench coat and fishnets!!!! My friend Sheri and I were dying and it made the last 2 hours of waiting go by faster for sure :) I don't necessarily endorse that but it made for good entertainment to us moms of toddlers!!!! I think re-entry is its own weird beast.. good luck. You guys are pros at this (sadly). Love you guys and I'm glad Brandon is nearly home.

Elizabeth said...

Hurrah!!! It is finally over!!! Can't wait to see some reunion pictures and here what Brandon thinks of the kids!