Saturday, January 17, 2009

Long Weekend...oh yes!

I am thankful for this long weekend will be nice to concentrate on the family!  I still have a ton of things to get organized and get in order...I have a lot of things on my to do year's resolutions to start, projects to work on, cleaning out and organizing...the list is long my friends!!!!  
Brandon heads back to work Tuesday....Zach is back in school and hopefully getting back into the swing of his life...the last few days with him he has been a bit spacey and those days challenge me in ways I can't even put into I'm hopeful that gets better....
I have a lot on my mind today and some things to sort out...some new things came up and we have some decisions to make fast...
Brandon is up for a move this summer...we have been asking to move back to Abilene and it looks like it is a possibility for us.  We would be back in the ACC command and a lot of familiar B-1 people we know are there and in charge...always good. I have 3 girlfriends in the area that are not AF so that is good.  I liked Abilene a lot and had a good time living was comfortable...people were nice...we felt safe and happy was a good place for us and we have wanted to go back since we got here....
But Thursday night Brandon got a call...a call we didn't expect and one we weren't prepared to deal with...we have until Tuesday to make a decision...He was offered a non flying staff job in San Antonio...Randolph AFB.  So right now we are just trying to be really careful about this choice.  Career wise getting back to ACC is what we wanted and would lead us away from here and the chance of coming back...we would be around people that would work with us more and a have a good support felt right.  But San Antonio!  It is a huge city with tons to do for us and for the kids...Autism stuff is abundant.  In Abilene it is available, but not the same.  San Antonio has great medical care...3 AF bases...very military friendly town...a zoo, sea world, theme parks, children's museum, airport, the list goes on.  There are schools and a major university...a chance for me to go back to school (finally) and volunteer opportunities for me...small suburbs on the north side of town that have good schools, smaller communities and an easy commute for Brandon....
So do we go with what is safe and what we know...what we thought we have wanted to get back to since we got here...or do we go for this opportunity we didn't expect or ask for, but is dangling like a carrot in front of us.  I feel like we have been given this chance to go to SA for a reason....that someone has finally said let's give the Millers a good is our chance to better our family and to give Zach all the things we can't here and that we might not be able to even in Abilene...the chance to allow him to thrive in a place that has resources for him...and a place where Erin can grow and do things for her.  The negative is that while the next 3 years would be great, we don't know what it would be on the flip side...we don't want to come back here because of Zach and we worry that job would lead us back here more than Abilene, but nothing is a sure done do we live for now and enjoy this opportunity or try to plan the safer route???  Do we go where we know people?  Oh the questions!  Any advice and thoughts on this post would be greatly appreciated...I think my gut and my heart are leading me one way...I just don't know if I should follow....


AprilJ said...

If we were in TX, either one of those options would be great!! I think you can trust your gut, Susan. You are looking at a bigger picture for your family and yourself, you're not being short-sighted to trust your instincts and I think you'll make the right choice. Another good thing about SA is that it is really accessible and the shopping is not so bad ;)

Kelley said...

Oh wow! Lots of things to think about. I think San Antonio or Abilene would both have their pros and cons. Knowing people in Abilene is great, and you know the town. And Brandon would be flying?? The only downside I see to San Antonio is that Brandon would not be flying. How badly does he want to fly?? I think you both have good heads on your shoulders, and should trust what your hearts are telling you. How exciting!

Jo Mama said...

It sounds like you kind of have a win/win situation. Better than the alternative. I will offer this food for thought though...3 years is a long time in the life of little ones. It may be living in a moment for you, but it is a really long time for the kids. By the time you left SA, Zach would be 7. That is 3 pretty important years of good services. Just a thought. I wish you the best of luck...