Sunday, February 21, 2010

what to say...

Flashback photos - September 2004 - Baby Zachary 3 1/2 months old.
Well not moments after my last post I heard hysterical crying coming from upstairs. The kids were in bath time with Brandon and usually it is Erin that cries about something during that time...then I realized Erin wasn't in the bath, she was watching TV in the next room. She often boycotts things that aren't her idea these days. Turned out to be good that she was self contained. I ran upstairs and saw Zach naked crying holding his bottom...I knew this wouldn't be good.
Apparently he had tried to go to the bathroom and had a difficult time and told Brandon it hurt...he had a large compacted stool and was unable to pass it on his own and was super upset. Understandably. We called the nurse line to see what we could do at home for him and of course they told us it was an hour wait or more. Zach seemed to be okay, but Brandon was concerned and said he wanted to take him to BAMC. It was 8 PM. I really didn't think it was necessary, but it was a Thursday night and Lord knows what we would have happen if we didn't. They left and didn't return until Midnight. Ugh. I let Zach sleep with me since they had not given him anything at the place....sent him home with suppositories and a colon prep kit. Seriously he weighs 39 lbs. He couldn't drink 1/10th of that jug.
He woke up the next AM at 8:30 and promptly informed me he was late for school. I asked if he felt up to going and he said yes, "I have a spelling test today Mommy!" God love him. So we got him ready and off he went. We let the nurse know what had happened and to be aware if he come to her office with stomach pain of issues. He had told the ER doctor that he had a bootie emergency, so we weren't sure what he would say at school.
He did fine and later came home and had his issues here with me. Turns out all he needed was a cheerleader and some knock knock jokes. I read to him and cheered him on...he is all better now.
It reminded me though how much things have changed and how different I am with Erin than with him and even how much I have changed with him. When Zach was a baby he was a bit of a mess digestively. I went back to work and had him in daycare...poor child was unable to sleep there, had reflux and threw up all the time and in general not happy. A big reason I chose to leave my job along with Brandon's impending deployment and a job that wouldn't be flexible with my hours. Anyhow...I had thought that babies did 3 things and did them with some amount of ease. Sleep, eat and poop. Not my guy. He had his days and nights messed up. He refused to sleep on his back after a few months. He slept for short amounts of time and woke up crying. He had colic and had to be put on special formula (which costs a fortune, smelled awful, but I swear was worth its weight in gold). He had a hard time going to the bathroom. To the point that I created a log for it. Really. I did. He also developed reflux. So after 45 minutes trying to burp him, he would then throw it all up. It was difficult for us, but I just felt so badly for him.
Fast forward a few years and we have a 5 year old boy. He is over 2 years potty trained and has no issues with that. He usually tells me when he is going to the bathroom, but not always and e is able to wipe and take care of his own needs now, so I don't see the reason to ask him if he has gone. Well when this incident happened I asked, "When was the last time you went to the bathroom Zach?" My child is an elephant. He told me February 6th. Oh Good Lord!!!
So where is the line? I have tried to back off being the crazed mom charting poop and now I have a kid that hasn't gone in weeks and I didn't know. I never was like that with Erin either. I think partly because she was the second and you know that they will turn out fine if you chart things or if you just let them be. You realize you need your sleep and the extra 5 minutes it takes to write it all down, isn't as important. You just try to enjoy the moments that you can while chasing around another child. And I had the new found issues with Zach's diagnosis coming right around the time of Erin's arrival.
So I found this all very enlightening. How much I have changed. In the end he is fine and I know I need to be more aware of his diet and his bathroom happenings. But I am just glad that when it was all said and done he thanked me...he told me I helped him and fixed his tummy. I am glad in moments like that I can be there, no matter how unpleasant the issue to make him laugh at knock knock jokes and give him support, love and smiles.

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

You're a good mom, Susan! You do right by your kids. God gave them to YOU for a reason and it is this: no one can be better parents to them than you and Brandon! Love you.. hang in there and may the knock knock jokes continue to heal :)