So my weekend...didn't go as planned, but turned out to be pretty great after all. One of my closest friends was heading this way to visit her husband who is here in SA doing AF training. He was Brandon's college roommate and BF...we were so excited for this visit after 5 years of not seeing each other. Well it didn't happen. Poor Renee had weather plague her trip and grounded her in SC...then when she was about to take off...airplane trouble and she had to just scrap the trip. I was so disappointed and sad not to see her, but so sad for her not to get to see her husband. They have been apart more than together it seems and I hate that she had high hopes for a fun weekend alone with him and it fell apart. She deserved this trip!
So, we had to change our plans. I was pretty bummed when we got the news on Saturday she wasn't coming and was trying for Sunday. We had planned a night out Saturday and since she wasn't able to go we went alone. Brandon and I tried a sushi place in New Braunfels and went to a movie, Valentine's Day. Dinner was awesome and glad we found a good sushi spot. CA spoiled me in that sense. The movie was funny, but the theatre was a bit ghetto fabulous. The kids did well with the sitter is great that we are taking advantage of living in a place that we can go out and do things. I am so thankful for that. The time together is really something we missed in CA.
Saturday day we decided to take the kids to the was sunny for the first time in over a week, so we went and had a picnic and played. It was great and the kids had fun. The park was quiet, but we had a fun time together. It was also a great way to wear out the kids for the sitter. :) I didn't realize until we were there how much we have missed our park days. When we lived in CA we went all the time. We had a park in walking distance from our first base house and literally, I went everyday if not twice a day with Zach those first two years. When Erin was born we went less, and it was more about Zach being in school than anything else. Then when we moved to the newer house on base the park was a longer walk. Zach loved to ride his bike, but some days it was just too windy for him to go that far...the park we loved we couldn't walk to anymore, so we had to drive, which isn't the same really. Some how it took the fun out of it. We got an playset for the backyard and I tell you, it got its money's worth from us. We went out there all the time. But I will admit, I miss walking to the park daily with the kids, playing and enjoying the fresh air, sun and being able to play.
Here are some photos from the park adventure...
Sunday we were waiting to see if Renee made it in and didn't make too many plans...I ran a quick errand out by myself and then came home to clean up and do things here. Zach and Brandon headed out to a fun mini golf place that he had been asking to go acres! They both had a blast. Go Carts, Golf, games...he was so happy when he came home. He had a great day. Sunday was his first day on his full medication dose. He seemed to do well on it and was less fidgety from what we saw at home.
Yesterday we went to Artworks...a great place I found here! You take your child for Open Art on Mondays and for $5 they can do all the art projects they want for 2 hours. It was fun. I had gone with Erin, but never taken Zach and Brandon got to join us. Both kids had a blast and I am thinking of signing Zach up for some classes...we will see how his tball schedule is before we make plans, but I think it would be a good idea for a summer thing. He seemed to get a kick out of it.
After that we drove to Build A Bear...the kids were thrilled. I really didn't think it would be this big of a hit, but it was. I was shocked to be honest. Zach made a great choice...a cute puppy dog and chose all the accessories himself and named him Brownie. I thought it was the cutest choice for a boy who has loved his own dog so much. He picked out a dog bed too and Brownie even slept with him last night.
Erin being Erin started to choose a white dog with red and blue stars on it. I told her no and tried to encourage her to get a cute kitty cat...I thought she would love it. Oh no...she was stuck on the damn dog with stars. Finally I saw a frog and showed it to her and she loved it. I can do a frog. So she got Froggie and I helped accessorize her...If Erin had her way the darn Frog would have been clothed in some interesting items. Needless to say the kids both got the same amount of items and their frog and dog cost the same, so that was great. They even took them to lunch with us after. So cute.
Here are some photos of them with the build a bear goodies!
Zach asleep last night...I didn't turn on the lights, the flash just does that good of a job...notice Brownie to his left between him and the nightstand.
Yeah for 3 day weekends. It looks like you guys had a ton of fun. I agree with you about Build a Bear, sort of surprising how much the kids love it. And, I am glad to know that I am not the only mom who said "NO" to tacky bear. I am so sorry that your friend never made it in. BUMMER!
Isn't it amazing how much better life is when you actually like where you live?? I'm so glad you love SA. We love AK!
Sounds like a great weekend in a city that you love. Sorry about Renee - what a let down for all.
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