Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Rainy, but a little sunny too!

Well today was a miserable rainy, foggy and cold day. Nothing really was important enough for me to get out in the rain and do, so we (Erin and myself) stayed in. The day was pretty boring and sadly unproductive. I could get nine million things done home alone with Zach for a day...Erin, not so much. She is into everything, wants and needs something and just in general doesn't leave me alone long enough to pee much less tackle chores. Her new phrase of choice is, "Why Mommy?" She is so me it is frightening. So I did like 2 things on my list of 25 and called it good. Tried a play idea with her, went over like a ton of that one won't be tried again. Instead we colored a bit, played hungry hippos, did dress up, watched more tv than we both enjoyed...destroyed and cleaned up get the idea. Poor Sally spent most of the day needing to go potty and being completely freaked out by the rain to venture out. She is pathetic. I went out with an umbrella and she still sat there and stared at me like I was nuts. I felt nuts. Maybe she is smarter than we think.
The day really dragged on...I am starting to get a cold and pumping vitamins to no end. My pee is now rainbow colored from them all...I wanted nothing more than to sit and be lazy. Again I had no idea how easy I had it with Zach at this age...granted I didn't know it was abnormal and not so good he played so well alone, it worked well for days like this. We finally left to get him from school...Erin passed out as soon as the car stopped in the carpool pick up line. She is so predictable. It worked out fine since he had to go back to New Braunfels for a social group tonight...he does speech and OT there on Tuesday nights, so to go back tonight wasn't my first idea of fun, but he needs it and we are committed. It is a 6 week program...1 hour one night a week and we pay out of pocket for he is going. He is in a group with 3 other kids, all somewhere on the spectrum with similar issues and needs to be addressed. He was super excited to go and meet new friends. So, I was excited for him.
He got in the car and whispered (he learned yesterday what a big mistake it is to wake Erin by being loud and then having her go to speech and be grumpy) today we whispered (i love that he loves rules). He told me that he was on green again...that people is 3 days in a row. He was so happy and I was sad that I couldn't scream with excitement for him. He deserved it. He has had a great week. Eye contact, sharing of information, no tantrums...just overall good week and very on the planet as we like to say.
So he told me a bit about his his mail and then looked through some new books I had bought...ate his apple and we got there a few minutes early. I walked him and left Erin in the car...she was snoring. He told me I could go and he would stay for his group. The ladies in charge where there and said it was fine. I went back in an hour later...Erin still snoring...he had done well and was smiling ear to ear. They worked on conversations tonight. How to start one and then how to maintain them. All things he needs a lot of help with and apparently the rest of the group does too. So excited for him and for this group. I hope he gains more understanding of his abilities to do these things in his every day life. I am so excited for the doors this might open for him.
So despite the rain and nasty weather, I had a ray of sunshine in my day, his name is Zachary. I swear that child is amazing.


Jo Mama said...

3 days on green. I love it. Go Zach. As for Erin, I think that she and Fin probably secretly got together to conspire against our to-do lists today.

Anonymous said...

Love that color green and truly love your ray of sunshine. Tell Zachary how proud I am of him. As far as Miss Priss, she will keep you on your toes for quite sometime to come.......! Enjoy, for they do grow up fast...!