Thursday, February 11, 2010

Today in recap...

This was Rodeo week in San Antonio so they had the kids dress up in Rodeo attire...Zach wore boots and a cowboy hat on Wednesday and looked oh so cute! Oh I love that face. He was so proud of himself and happy to show off his rodeo wear.

Today we had the follow up ARD (IEP) for him to go over his goals and the substitute folder. The school was super nice to us and really was helpful this go around, so I can't complain. I was very pleased with what we got accomplished and how many items we asked for and received from them. I spoke at length to the OT after the meeting. He isn't working with Zach since Zach doesn't qualify for school based OT, but he will consult on things for him. He had observed him and had a lot of things to share that he saw and noticed. I liked him a lot and am so glad to have his ideas to work with...looking forward to getting more feedback from him. Zachary will have a sub on the 25th, so we will see how the new plan works for him and how that day goes. I think the new plan has a lot of options and chances for Zach to succeed with a sub in the room and I am hoping he does well.
I had lunch with him and a friend and then came home sick with a headache and nauseous. I went to get Erin at 2 from school. She had a Valentine party today and I took a photo of her and two friends. She looked very pretty today and seemed to have a lot of fun, but was very tired. I chose to go straight to school to get Zach early so we could all go home and rest. I was done, Erin was done and even Zach was tired and spacey today. No one was really sure they saw any difference with the medication in him, so we will continue the trial one more week...if no changes for the good we will discontinue it for now. No one said it was worse, but no one said they could see a difference either. 9 days in a row on green!!!
Here is Erin with two friends, Alyssa, Erin and Kyle!
Erin and her daddy tonight.
All in all a good week and I am glad to have some results with the school and hopefully good changes continue...
Off to bed tonight early I hope...


Anonymous said...

Love the pictures as usual. Happy that the ARD meeting went well. Do hope you are feeling better you.

AprilJ said...

Yay for 9 days in a row on green! And yay for another good meeting.

Jo Mama said...

Glad to hear you are getting stuff figured out. That has to feel good. Zach is so flippin' adorable in his hat. Seriously, that kid is going to be a heart breaker.