Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend Roundup...

After such a stellar week with Zach we decided to give him his request for his reward, bowling. We have tried to go with Erin before and it has always been bad, so this time we set out again with hopes she would participate and oh did she. Both kids had a blast. We went on base and ate lunch, bowled two games and had a fun time. Erin used the slide and had a red ball...she was all about the red ball. So fun. Zach loved that we all played with him and he did well too...although I did notice that the loud music, lots of lots and displays with pictures, colors and other stimulating things took its toll on him by the end of the time there...just a lot for a kiddo with sensory issues to take in and remain focused. It became very obvious at the end of game one that he was struggling with some of the lights in the room and objects on the screens...Again a reminder of as well as he is doing and as far as we have come, some things are just going to be struggles.
We then hit the commissary...No words...I just really have a hard time at this commissary....big and lots of items, but the people that shop there are frustrating...enough said.
We went to church Saturday night instead of our usual Sunday AM. Mass on Sunday is at 8 or 11:30, so we either are not up in time or it cuts into the meat of the day. Saturday Erin didn't nap, so we knew she would be a bit more difficult than normal. Both kids were pretty awful. It wasn't fun. But, the music was better and priest was better, so we will try Saturday again...
Bowling photos...

Yesterday was cloudy, cold and looked like it was going to pour rain any second...of course it is pouring today. We stayed in, cleaned, did laundry, ate yummy food for the super bowl. Zach played more Mario Cart...ridiculous how many hours he can sit on that things if left to do it. I had him and Erin do kids yoga with me...It was funny. They both tried it all and had fun and it is a good way to get them to pay attention and do some fun things. We will continue the yoga days for sure...I love it!
Tomorrow I am off to see the developmental doctor at BAMC...I plan to ask again about the options of medication for Zach. We continue to hear from teachers and therapists that we should try a form of ADD medication to help him fidget less in school and stay on task, limit impulses and be able to concentrate. We are willing to do this, but need a doctor to agree as well. So far we have been told these struggles are related to Autism and won't be cured by ADD meds. However, we know that ADD and Autism are often a dual diagnosis and that we won't know if it can help him unless we try it. Hopefully I can get some answers.
Sadly we are doing to be back at the ARD table on Thursday AM for another ARD meeting to go over the items we thought we went over last time. UGH. They want us to show them the substitute folder and go over more details of that...we want them to have it in the ARD how they will implement these things. So here we go again...
I am off to run some errands with little Erin today...yucky and rainy, but we must get things done anyway...


Jo Mama said...

Sounds like a good weekend to me. Love the bowling pictures. Too cute.

Eralel83 said...

Your kiddos are so stinkin cute! Miss them and miss you!!

Anonymous said...

What super pictures....Loved them. Sorry about going another round with ARD. Honestly you need the island!!!!!!!!!! Love and miss oxoxoxxo

The Five Fares said...

The bowling pics are so cute!! What a fun treat!

Kelley said...

Ahhhh! Love the kids yoga pic!!