Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One little word...

My friend Kelley got me into reading a blog by a woman names Ali Edwards...her blog is in the list of blogs I read below...she is a scrapbooker and mom and happens to have a son with a very similar diagnosis to Zach's. She has had a a tradition of choosing one word to start each new year...for that word to be what you strive for in that year or what you are feeling. A word that gives you focus. I liked this idea and really took some time to think about my word. At first I was set on Change. I thought it fit perfectly for me right now and when I reveal my list of "resolutions" or goals for 2010 it most likely will seem like a good fit. But I then thought more of a word that I want to fit my mood, my spirit. I wanted to be filled with this and I am not sure change was that word. I don't like change, so it is something I am striving for, but not good at being able to do.
So I chose Appreciate. In the dictionary it says this...

1. To be grateful or thankful for.
2. To value or regard highly; place a high estimate on
3. To be fully conscious of; be aware of; detect
4. To raise in value

When I read these I realized that fits a lot of how I am feeling right now. I want to be more appreciative of so many things. I am so grateful for my life, my amazing children, my husband, my family, friends, living here in San much is going well and I am thankful beyond words for the blessings I have in my life. I also want to be thankful for appreciating more. I think it is important to appreciate what we have, but what we take for granted....this goes with my desire to make changes and do things in my life that are outside of my comfort level and maybe things I will be challenged by and uncomfortable with doing. But for me that is a goal I need to make.
So that is my word...I think 2o1o will be a great year to appreciate so many things in my life!

1 comment:

Kelley said...

Appreciate is a great word! So glad you are reading Ali and taking part of her Word challenge. May 2010 be full of appreciation for you!