Monday, December 7, 2009


We had a good weekend here, hope you all did too!
We went out on a date Friday night...whoo hoo! We were lucky enough to have gotten an offer from Brandon's best friend from college to watch Zach and Erin...he is in town for 4 months doing training here. So we were very appreciative of the chance to get out and go to Brandon's work Christmas party. Got to meet some new people...I have been completely out of the AF loop since we moved here...ate some yummy food and saw a comedian. It was fun. Saturday we tried something new...took the kids to the Majik Theatre here in San Antonio. We was the Best Worst Christmas Pageant Ever. It was super crowded so our seats weren't the best...the place is very cute but had no seat yourself doesn't always leave people's best manners to do the job. The kids loved the show...we managed to stay the whole time and both kids did well...Zach really enjoyed it and asked when we can go back. Big yeah! We had a movie night at home that for Brandon and I...Four Christmases....not my favorite. So any netflix suggestions would be welcome. Since it is hard to get a sitter for us we are going to try to commit to having a movie night at home once a week for Brandon and we need ideas!
Yesterday the boys went to church together at the 8 AM service...I woke up with a bad headache so stayed back with Erin...then we headed to IHOP for was packed! Then off to the commissary. I usually only make there once a month, so when I go, I go with coupons in hand and a list. Erin passed out in the car on the way there, so she and Brandon waited in the car while Zach and I went well for most of the store, him reading items off the list, checking them off and us chatting about things. He was being very good. Then he started to cough....Zach is one of those kids that continues to hack and hack and gags himself. Well this day was my lucky day as he vomited on me in the baking aisle. Poor kid was so upset and yelled, "I want to go in the car, I am coughing and sick." I told me to stop and understand we can't leave yet, I had a basket full of groceries. I grabbed my phone with my non vomit hand and tried to call Brandon to come get him at the front of the store...well before I had a chance another shopper and mother yelled, "Everyone get away from that child, he's sick and contaminating all of us." I just stared at her in disbelief. What mother especially at a military store does that? I quietly told her, "No, he isn't sick, its not like that, he just gagged..." Before I could finish my sentence she again raises her voice, "He sure looks sick to me and I think you should have stayed at home with him instead of dragging a sick child throwing up to the store to get the rest of sick." Really? Did that just happen to me? I know I should have yelled back, flipped her the bird or thrown the vomit still in my hand at her, but I didn't. I hate vomit and was ready to puke myself, so I just took off Zach's coat, wiped the vomit in it and proceeded to get him to the nearest exit. I was done. He cried and that only made it worse for me and him. I was amazed that anyone at a military store would see a mom alone and not simply assume she was alone because she had to be. How did she know my husband was in the car and not deployed. Don't people need to eat even when they have a sick kid? Haven't we all taken our sick child or sick self to a store out of necessity...haven't we had moments in stores that are awful and not foreseeable. UGH! Then the checkout lady topped my day be totalling my bill before I got all my coupons out...I was really done.
Luckily the rest of the day was okay and quieter.
I did have a not so fun morning taking Erin to the clinic...she has a "rash" on her scalp that has been there about 2 weeks thinks it is seborrhea or cradle cap. So we will treat for that for now, but sadly it might be ringworm...just can't tell. UGH! I am done. If she has that I am done....I had that about 10 years ago and it was awful, lasted months and really took its toll on me. The only way she would have gotten is from KDO too, so I am just really done. Lets hope it is the first choice and goes away soon with home remedies. FINGERS CROSSED PLEASE!
While there I spoke to the referral people in tricare about our ongoing issues with Zach's therapy here. He has been going to one place for OT and Speech for a few months and three times now we have dealt with issues with his referral and them not notifying us until it ran out and then it being difficult to get another approved. Never had this issue in CA. Also I am a bit frustrated with the people there and their lack of information they provide me. He goes in the back of the office with the therapist while Erin and I wait out front...he does an hour of combined therapy and then comes information ever shared about what he did, how he did or things to work on at home and school. I ask them each time and I get that he was fine and they will see me next visit. So...I am going to switch providers. I am usually not good at things like this...I like what I know and stick with things...but to me this isn't what we should be getting. I want feedback, I want ideas for things to do at home, I want them to be giving me more than that. I found a place that had a ton of great feedback and working on getting an evaluation set up there for him. He has done so well, I refuse to drop the ball on therapy, especially when he gets nothing at school other than speech 2 days a week for 15 minutes. So...I need good vibes on this as well...
I am off to finish my washing...all the sheets this AM...never fun to unmake and make beds and a crib, but has to be done, right?
So there is my recap.


Anonymous said...

I really am beyond comment regarding Erin's situation. I pray it is not ringworm. Happy that some of your weekend was upbeat. Take care and I have only prayers and good thoughts.
Love you. me. oxoxoxoxo

AprilJ said...

I would have given the lady in the comm. a roundhouse kick to the kidney, an elbow to the eye followed by a backhand to the nose! For starters. You took the high road and that makes you a better person (than her and me!). Keeping fingers crossed for cradle cap only. Love you guys!