Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chilly weather!

Wow it is cold here. Almost noon and temps still around 40...I am cold. And it is windy here today, so that makes it extra cold. Good thing I scored some cheap winter coats for the kids during Cyber Monday sales and they arrived this week! I was so used to the cold and wind in CA, that I always had the coats, hats, fleece, etc ready for the winter months...I wasn't as prepared this year. Oh well...we are good now. I am being super lazy today and just cleaning the house...I have no desire to get into a car and run errands with a two year old when it is this cold...I know that some friends, like April, are laughing because 40 would be a heat wave for you. Laugh away Mrs. Alaska!
Zachary has had a bad cough for a few days and when he is not 100% healthy we all hear about it. He is a bit of a complainer. :) He also tends to have less than desirable behavior come out when he is we are dealing with that right now and I am trying my best to be understanding. He tried to get out of going to school today, but I knew I had to send him or else he would try to stay home all the time when he is a little sick. His teacher called this AM and said he was doing fine, so he will stay for the day unless she calls me back...Erin seems to be the same...using that shampoo on her and hoping the yuckiness goes away soon.
Went to see New Moon Monday night with my playgroup was good and I am glad I finally got to go and see favorite book of the 4, so I enjoyed it. It is a nice group of ladies and I am glad I joined this group. They have a book club, starting Bunko and do a Mom's Night Out once a month. It is also a very active group that does playdates all through the week, so you have ample chance to go and be involved in things.
Not much else going on...working on Christmas cards to get out in the mail by the weekend and finishing wrapping the gifts up. I am excited about Christmas this year for sure.
I am off to clean some more...yeah! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weather sounds lousy but good for cleaning house. Zachary is obviously testing the waters. Loved April's previous comment...Let's pray craddle cap is resolving......! love ox