Sunday, December 27, 2009

Bad back go away!

I have suffered for a few days with a bad back and I am hoping it is getting better, but honestly I think I am just trying to will it to be better. Brandon is able to take some free time this week from work and be home more, but still has to go hopefully that will help me heal up a little. I am going to try to get in to see someone at the clinic too, so lets hope that works. :) Just not comfortable and unable to get a lot of things done I have on my list!!!

Speaking of Lists! I looked over my New Years Resolution list from last year while trying to think of what will be on mine this year...interesting to see how I did and didn't do...Here is the old list...
1. My patience...need to not jump the gun with the kids so much...
2. My tone of voice and temper...kindness works wonders if I can muster up the self restrain.
3. Making real dinners now that Brandon "will be" home...
4. Making time to walk...I miss my long walks with Sally.
5. Continue my reading...I have loved being back into books so much and taking time for me to read good books...I have been about a book a week or two weeks this deployment and it feels great...
6. SCRAPBOOK...I fell sadly behind on this one during the deployment and have nine million pictures and supplies awaiting me.
7. Continue to do individual things with the kids to make them feel special and foster those one on one times that are so great...
8. Try to live in the moment as much as I can....this is actually my number one. Be thankful for all I have and not let a moment go by that I am not realizing life is such a great gift...letting things that don't matter go and working on what life for now and as it is...

I did okay on some of them, but some will need to be improved upon again this year and others added. My patience and tone of voice are a work in progress...while I am better about it than I was a year ago, I am no where near where I would like to be...but I do see changes and awareness which I am thankful for.
Dinners are still hit and miss...Brandon's schedule isn't as 9-5 as we thought and with Zach having several nights being busy with swimming, soccer, therapy, etc., it was harder than I thought. But again, working on it and making steps to improve.
Walking with Sally was going great in CA before the move...we had a good route there and good times to go with the it hasn't been as easy...hope to change this one.
Still reading a thing I have for sure kept on...did start a playgroup that has a book club, but so far it is not an avid reading group, so I shall stick to my own thing on this one.
Scrapbooking has been awful. I got about 12 pages done 2 months ago, but since then nothing. I got a scrapbook table for Christmas and it is going to be in the guest room. It is super cool, bookshelves on either side for storage and a large top on top for me to work on...once it is built I think this will be easier for me to have a space to get it done. My friend Kelley set a goal for herself for the year and I think that might be something I will do for myself...we shall see.
I have much more time this year with Erin to do one on one with Zach at school. I have worked at trying to make time for just Zach and I as well and it is more of a struggle some times than I wish, but we work on things together when she is napping, still do slumber parties and fun things...I love my one on one time with both of them.
The last one I am still working on as well, but trying more and more each day to remind myself of this. I have done a better job on it than I probably would have predicted.
I have lots of new goals for next year....will share that list soon...I hope I can give myself some good challenges and some that are easy positive changes to make...


Unknown said...

So good of you to actually write all this down!

Anonymous said...

If you accomplish two or three on your list then you are way ahead of the rest of us.....:)Love you. me ox