Thursday, December 3, 2009

Fun stuff...

I have to admit, there are things with each age of children that are fabulous and then those that are, well, less than fabulous. Age Two for example, tantrums and meltdowns are not so fabulous But the things that are...well the list is a bit endless. I actually loved this age with Zachary. He had a rough few months before he turned two, but most of two was good...three was a different story! Erin is full of spunk and has her moments, but for the most part she is a doll. She is my little buddy for sure and everywhere I go, she wants to go. It is pretty difficult right now t do some things because she is having a lot of separation issues with me. I am trying to remind myself that one day in the not so distant future, I will beg for these moments back. It is amazing that she is already 29 months old...she is talking so well and making observations about things all the time. She is funny, animated, smart, sweet, loving and adores her brother, her daddy, her dog, and me. She loves her TV too!! And of course Boo Bear. She loves to play with play dough, paint and draw. Playing dress up is a daily things here and hysterical to see the outfits she comes up with. She loves her little people...plays with them every single day! She is starting to enjoy her Kids Day Out more and more and I think she is making friends. She had a play date here yesterday with a playgroup we joined and it went really well. Her shy side is still there, but I think she is learning that it is fun to play with others and mommy is still going to be there when it is done!
I spend so much time on here often talking about the ups and downs with Zachary that I forget to drop the comments about this one...for that I am sorry to her and everyone who wonders why I don't mention her more. I am beyond blessed that this little surprise came into my life right when she did. She really made all the difference to our family. A blessing in so many ways to each of us. Some days I kiss her so much I worry I will kiss her skin raw. I love her laugh and her sweetness...she is just a wonderful child and I am so blessed I was lucky enough to get to be her mom....My Erin!
Her new attempt at smiling for the camera...done with an enthusiastic CHEESE!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You truly are blessed with two beautiful and wonderful children. Enjoy each moment with them as time passes much too fast. ox me.