Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veteran's Day...

They shall not grow old as we who are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them...May we take the time to remember and honor all of the veterans who have served our country and given so much.

Today it is nice to have my family home around me and to enjoy us all being a family. Erin came down to our room around 7:30 (well Brandon went and got her after we heard her upstairs). Zachary joined us about 15 minutes later...we were all snuggled in the bed with Sally at the bottom of the bed too. It was so nice to sit there with my children snuggled around me, my husband, my dog...all of us. It did not go unnoticed for long that we are so very blessed to share this moment together. I know that many families on this day don't have that and it made it a little bittersweet.

I am so thankful to be married to a man whose career has lead me to a life I would have never envisioned for myself. A life that has taught me so much. I have learned about sacrifice, bravery, being selfless, self sufficient and become a member of this amazing family that is the military. I don't think growing up I would have ever imagined this as my life or that I would actually have grown to love it. To me it is now very normal. I am so proud to be a small part of this amazing world.

Today I hope we all can take some time to think about the people that have put themselves in harms way for the safety of so many. The countless men and woman that have so bravely fought and defended our nation and our freedom. Many who have suffered so much to give us so much. My dad's father served in WW II when my dad was a small boy. My dad is a Vietnam veteran who served in the 82nd airborne. My husband has deployed during the war on terror 4 times. I am proud of these great men for their service and thankful they came home safely.

So today I plan to take the time to honor those who have given so much for our country and I also plan to just enjoy....all the wonderful things I have that their bravery has given me. To all of our country's great Veterans and the ones I personally love, Happy Veterans Day and THANK YOU! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all you have done!


Anonymous said...

Your beautiful words speak for many of those without voices. Love you. me. ox

AprilJ said...

I'll drink to that (a few days after the fact).