Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Busy Day!

Today is a busy, busy day for me...I am taking Erin to school, then off to volunteer at Zach's school at the book fair for 2 hours, eat lunch with him, run 2 quick errands and then pick up Erin from school...try to get her to nap, pick up Zach, drive to New Braunfels for speech and OT and then back home to make and eat dinner. Pizza tonight? :) Than I have a date with the little one to go back to school for literacy night at his school, check out the book fair and get some good books...should be fun.
I feel like the next few days are all like this around here. Craziness. Thursday is pretty much the same way, back to back commitments all day long and speech/OT at the end.
I have a very long to do list still and it feels like none of it is getting done right now. I need to get my butt in gear and just carve out some time to get things done!!!! I have Christmas presents to wrap and hide...scrapbooking that needs to get done because I am so very behind. Stuff to put on ebay, take to good will and to the thrift store...
I am off to get dressed and get Erin ready...I will have to get to my list later....
Hoping for a good day with Zach and that Erin enjoys school today.

1 comment:

Jo Mama said...

I wish things like scrapbooking,e-bay and wrapping presents could even make my list. You are seriously superwoman. I have not bought a single present yet, and have so much junk in rubbermaid containers in the crawl space that it would probably give you a coronary. Gotta love busy. Hang in there,