Wednesday, November 4, 2009

This and That

Just a few updates to share...

The past few days have been pretty good around here...we had a nice weekend and I even had some time alone on Sunday to just clean and organize some things minus any small cutie pies running around after me. It was great and Brandon took the kids to a pottery painting place and they had a blast.
Been cheering for a lot of Yankee games around here! Tonight might be the night!
Yesterday I went to the dentist for a teeth cleaning...NO cavities, so that was a nice change for me...since moving to CA I think that is all I had. :)
I am off to the doctor again tomorrow about my knee and some other odd things...long story and will chat about it once it is chat worthy....
Zach had a follow up at BAMC and really their results were the same to the school on all levels. Will retest in 2-3 years fro Aspergers...they think he is very bright and often his attention issues are coming from not being challenged enough, but how can you challenge him more in Kinder? He can't keep up socially or physically with older kids. Tough one. We were advised that while his attention issues resemble ADD, kids on the spectrum often have that and it isn't true ADD and that medication often won't help...sometimes it dulls out the bright spots in their personality. Which I don't want. But I am torn on this. If it can help, I would think we should at atleast try. This doctor thinks it is more a result of the Autism issues than ADD though...Zachary can be very focused and stay on task if he is engaged and challenged. So I am not sure. He gave some ideas for social groups and skills classes in town that we can do on weekends and some available in the summer. Most aren't paid for by insurance, so that part we will have to figure out, but we are excited to get some more ideas. His OT got approved for 6 more not as much as we had hoped, but we will see...
Erin is coming into her own at school...I got there yesterday and see was napping...Yes, asleep. I was shocked...I had to leave and come back though since I had nothing to do and was expecting to get my buddy. She had a great day and was actually sad to leave. A wonderful change for her. She is being much more social and showing her true self easier. She is still shy with strangers and I think in the end, I am okay with that...that is who she is!
I had a fun Monday night...Brandon got home and took over the kids. I left around 6 and headed to the Forum, a shopping center close by...walked around Hobby Lobby alone!!! AH! Wonderful time to just look...then went to Pier One and snatched up some xmas gifts for Zach's teacher. I had so many gifts from after xmas shopping every year and this year my stash has run dry...big bummer! At 7:30 I headed over to Macaroni Grill and meet 3 ladies I have been talking to through an online playgroup. I have only been able to go to one event....they have a lot of things on Tuesday and Thursday when Erin is at school and a lot in the afternoons when Zach is at therapy or during his school pickup times. So I have struggled getting out and going places with the group. But I have wanted they had a dinner out for moms night and I took the chance to meet them...only 3 went and it was perfect...enough so we all could talk. I like everyone a lot and felt so glad I made the choice to go...look at me branching out! I spoke to another friend here that same day that I hadn't talked to in a while and she and I made plans to go see New Moon, the next Twilight movie...her inlaws will be over Thanksgiving, so she needs the outing after they go. :) My friend down the street has had constant visitors since September with exaggeration. Her son's birthday party is Saturday, he will be 5. We plan on going and taking Zach...she came by to say hi the other day with her little girl, Olivia who is about 6 months younger than Erin....Erin had a ball with her. So...I have felt more connected this week and like the friend thing is going well. At Edwards I always felt things were on the surface, lots of people I knew, very few friends. And for the friends I had, so many time we were all busy or had things going on, we never got together and made the time for us. So this is feeling more positive for me...
I am off to start my day and to get things done...a lot on my list!!! Here are two photos, one of Zach just being handsome and Erin in another dress up outfit. (I loaded up on Halloween costumes at Target for her dress up bin!)


Kelley said...

Sounds like life is going really well for you, especially in the friend department. So happy to hear that!! Glad you've been able to have some time for yourself...

Anonymous said...

Happy you are getting out, meeting new people and finally doing things for YOU! Love
Erin's outfits are most interesting or should I say creative..:)

Jo Mama said...

I have to ask, does Erin have to take her binoculars everywhere (like a purse)? Fin does. We have said it before, but the two of them would be off for adventure in no time.

Susan said...

Erin's binoculars are like her necklace...she is funny like that...