Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Well we have been secretly trying to make a Thanksgiving trip come together and work out for us and it finally has...The kids are out of school all week around here and we were not sure what to do....had some ideas, but so many friends will be out of town...I had such bad luck last year with the whole almost slicing my thumb off and cooking dinner that I never really got to eat...So we worked on another idea and it is all worked out now...leave approved for Brandon...someone to watch the house, mail, dog (thank you Bryan)...transportation...airline tickets at a good price...and getting to see the people we want...sadly I think we shocked them a bit, hopefully made them excited too...
We are taking an impromptu trip to Arizona. We will get to see my parents, but also get to do some other things...visit my best friend from college, Kelly and her husband and daughter (Leeah is 2 weeks younger than Erin and I think they will have a blast together). We are actually going to stay with Kelly in Tucson, so that will be so much fun! See friends and people of interest to Brandon too of course...but selfishly I am super excited to see my friend. :) I am hoping to get to Sedona too, but we will have to see how things play out.
My mom and dad both haven't felt well as of late. I won't go into details, but they have had a rough fall for sure. I was sad to think of them spending Thanksgiving and Christmas alone in a condo in Scottsdale. No matter how many times I invited them here they said no and they were fine there. But I really wanted to see them and have some time with them, even if it is quick, last minute and possibly not perfect planning. I hope they are happy we are "dropping in" and that the visit is a good one for everyone. I love Arizona and I am always happy to go back and especially to have some time in is like a big comfortable leather chair...just always fits and feels right.
So that is my news...Sometimes you have to grab life by the reins and have some fun, do something you want and even unexpected...I am learning to live in the moment more and this is a big step in that direction.

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Jealous... Would love to have another Miller-Johnson thanksgiving!! We have a couple under our belts, right, but none with children. Enjoy your trip. Hug you mom and dad for me.. tell your mom to let me know if there is anything I can do for her while she's meal planning. Love you guys.