Thursday, November 5, 2009

Sick at heart...

Just so sad to hear the news out of Ft. Hood today...what an awful tragedy that is just unbelievable to me. I am still a bit shocked. The military is in reality a small entity...amazing how many times in this life you run into people that you have met at other bases or have been stationed with before...people who know people you know is even more common than you can imagine. There is a camaraderie with military members but also with the families or as we are called is a life that you can't understand until you really live it and once you do, you are part of this amazing extended family. Being a part of something much bigger than just us. That is one part of it that I love the most. We are all in this together in one way shape or form and when push comes to shove people are there to help and support one another. We all live far away from our real families and most of our life long during the time in the military your friends become your family. So tonight to hear about this is tragic. Not that I knew anyone there or that it affected me here in my home...that is thinking selfishly. It is tragic because a part of the big family I am a part of had a horrible tragedy. Innocent, brave people died for no reason and it is a horrible loss. I am praying for the families of those who died, the people who were wounded and all of Ft. Hood...I can't imagine if that happened to a base we were stationed at and I don't want to think it could.


Anonymous said...

I think the country is in shock over the tragedy that occurred yesterday at Ft. Hood. Our young men and women fight for our freedom in distant lands for which I have issues. But to have sometime like this happen on OUR soil is incomprehensible and tragic beyond words. My prayers go to the families of the fallen and for all of Ft. Hood's residence.

AprilJ said...

It's more evidence that life is fragile.. that our lives can change in an instant! I'm trying to slow down and enjoy the mundane.. healthy kids, a husband with a job, good friends.