Sunday, January 30, 2011

Another year...

34...hard to believe I am 34....sometimes when people ask my age I start to say 26 or something usually in the 20's. I know I am in my 30's, really I do...but I fell like a lot has flown by and really it takes me a moment to think and say, 34.
I had a great birthday. My sweet family always does too much...My mom, dad and sister sent gifts...all called too the morning of and wished me a great day.  I skyped with my parents later that day too, a treat.  My sweet husband brought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers...I took a photo, but my camera is in my purse, that is downstairs, and I am now typing and not interested in going to fetch it.  So, will do later.  We had a babysitter come stay with the kids and headed out to dinner.... a fantastic find by Brandon who has a knack for finding off the beaten path places that are great.  This was called the Vineyard and it was quaint...super good food.  We had a very long and nice dinner together.  Then we chose to forgo a movie since they all started around 10:30 and I was tired.  I knew the kids had things planned for Saturday and didn't want to be exhausted...we got coffee and wandered around Target before heading home.
Saturday the kids had decorated the house with the babysitter, streamers and they woke me up to show me their surprise.  We had a breakfast and opened cards and gifts...I got a gift card for a pedicure that AM and then a I got to head out for a good chunk of the day and be pampered. I got home to enjoy a yummy Italian Cream Cake, my favorite...
Brandon then headed off to run in the Austin 1/2 marathan (which was this AM).  I stayed and had a fun night with the kids, movie and slumber party night. :)  We had a fun morning...Erin sung at her preschool and Zach and I watched....we listend to half the service and then he was invited to join the other children for children's church...they left, did crafts and had a great much so they are asking to go back next weekend. I enjoyed church too today, I got the chance to listen to the message and that was nice.  I was able to enjoy that part and take something away...the kids had fun.  I am now sort of church shopping if you will...we are catholic, but I am worried that the kids aren't enjoying church so much that it makes going unenjoyable for all of us.  Sitting thru a catholic mass as a child isn't fun.  It just isn't.  As an adult trying to keep that child happy, isn't fun either and in the end, you miss the point of the service.  I have also had my own issues with the church for a bit...My biggest right now being that my children aren't made to feel part of it.  Nothing is there for or about them, but we are expected to bring them. made me think...
Brandon did well and ran the time he wanted.  I am so proud of him and glad he is did this.  I did my two days of long walks last week and yoga the rest of the days...feels good and hoping to stay on my schedule.  The yoga hurt, but I am glad I am sticking with it. :)
All in all this was a great weekend. Sadly Zach went to bed tonight with a fever and feeling we are hoping and praying he has a speedy recovery, his GT testing is this week.  He needs to be feeling 100% to do well...
I am off to bed early...maybe I might have to sneak some cake first.  Heck, I might be 34, but I am still entitled to enjoy my birthday!


AprilJ said...

I had to laugh a little about forgoing movies for a Starbucks and a walk around Target to wrap up a date night.. we did that a couple weeks ago. What does that mean?? I'm glad you got an Italian Cream cake. I do love them, too :) Sounds like a good birthday!! Good luck with church shopping... I really hate doing that! I hope you find something that works for all of you.

Eralel83 said...

Sounds like you had a great birthday! A date night, spa, cake... whew! Sounds pretty amazing to me! :)