Thursday, January 13, 2011


So I went shopping today...there I said it and got it off my chest.  A whole 13 days into the new year and I went shopping...not just to Target, oh no, I had to go big, I went to the Outlet mall.  Now in my defense...if there is one...I didn't go after Christmas shopping this year to hit all the deals on winter wear like I did last year.  So I was feeling like I needed to is a thing with me...having things ahead of time...don't ask, it is an issue within an issue.  Anyhow...I shopped.  I will however say that I went armed with coupons.  I left several stores with nothing and left others with one or two items.  I shopped only the stores that had items I was actually there to look for...and I didn't even go near Coach, Kate or shoes.  Yes, that is progress.  But, I still shopped.  And I feel a bit bad about it...I can't undo it, just go from here with the knowledge I gain each time I catch myself making choices that maybe I could make a different one...
It is cold here as it is everywhere else, but here, we aren't used to days with 35 as the high...3 days in a row.  We aren't prepared for it with clothing or activities.  I do however like my winter wardrobe a lot, so I am secretly enjoying this...
Went to get my hair cut...2 inches...looks healthier, but still long. I am secretly enjoying the long right now...I am sure in due time I will get tired of it, but I like it and it is for me, easier than short. My hair is naturally wavy and in the back still very short means drying daily. Long means pony tails, letting it dry naturally and be wavy and lots in between.  So for now, long wins.
Brandon is working late and often right now with summer cycle assignments being done now...the entire AF must move in the summer...he is busy...we are just glad it is down the road and not in another part of the world, but miss him at dinner, bath and bedtime right now...
I am sad that even after all the talk of getting along and agreeing to disagree people are now commenting on the memorial in Tucson and how inappropriate parts of it were...Heck, I was glad they didn't throw tortillas like at graduation.   Seriously, in the end they tried, they fell short of some people's expectations of what should be done...but they tried and Tucson has always been unique unto itself, the memorial reflected that hodgepodge that is Tucson.  I think taking away anything but the good that was said there is silly and immature...nothing in life is perfect.
I am going to work on some projects around here tonight when the kids are in bed...trying to be productive and hoping it will happen. :)  Half day tomorrow, Monday off...productive is the goal!

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