Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Running around...

Busy day today running around and getting things done...mostly errands I needed to do minus kids.  I wish I had stayed home and taken a long walk because it was a pretty day.  It was sunny...for the first time in about 10 days, but it was windy...really windy to be honest.   I am going to try to walk tomorrow after I drop off Erin...a quick run to the post office and then a walk before lunch with Zach at his school.  So hard to squeeze in meaningful things on Wed/Fri for me.  Erin is at school from 9-11:45.  So by the time I drop her off and then add in time to go back and get her, I have very little to work with and get things done.  Most Fridays I volunteer at Zach's school, I work in the library and then have lunch with him...I am probably going to be up there a bit more in the next few weeks helping with some other projects...

Excited that in March two authors I like to read both have new books coming out...
This and This
I love to read and there are some authors that rarely disappoint me, those are two I like and think I will be snatching up the new books...

I did some shopping today, Valentine's Day cards for the kids...something I don't enjoy since I am not a huge Valentine's Day loving person...but it is always fun to see the kids get excited about things and that seems to be something they love.  Go figure.

A lot of little projects I am trying to get done around the house...scrapbooking being the biggest thing that I am so far behind on...I just need to get focused, make time and do it!!!

I am off to get some things on ebay and read some of my book...currently reading This
So far...so good...about halfway done, interested to see where it goes now...she always throws in some big twists...

That's all for me tonight...

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