Saturday, January 22, 2011

Learning to keep it to myself...

Okay so I have been burned in the past with my honesty. Yes, it is true. I have a voice, I tend to use it and I also tend to get some backlash.  I am not trying to be a bitch.  I am not trying to stir the pot.  Really, I am not that interested in causing an argument and being in the middle of drama. I think I just tend to think, feel and then share.  I am really trying hard to not do that as much.  On here, my blog, I feel like I can share and say more, but even still, I worry.  I know that I can and probably will offend a few readers, who most of you, are friends.  People I love, respect and care about.  And if I offend and hurt you, that hurts me.
But...there are times, like right this very instant, I want to just share my thoughts.  I read a friends post on FB and then the subsequent posts by her friends and I am fuming a bit about it all. I want to say my piece and comment back, but I know that I will only cause backlash on me for taking the obviously not popular side. I am so freaking tired of people being so bold with judgement and persecution of others. That is not your job, my job or anyone's here on earth to be honest.  We can have our ideas, our opinions, but in the end we aren't responsible for other people's actions and we should not judge.
I read a bumper sticker while sitting at a light the other day and I loved it. I want a T-shirt made with the same saying on it and I want to wear it daily. "If sitting in a church makes you a Christian, then sitting in the garage makes you a car".  Love it!  Seriously, it sums up so much for me.  People are so willing to think they are holier than thou and spread that feeling, without regard to how it comes across, the other side, or even in the reality of some of their own personal choices.  No one is perfect.  Some of us are just willing to admit to that more often, freely and willingly than others.  To me, those of us that do, should be the ones getting a round of applause, not those who are casting stones.
Everyone is flawed...if we are willing to own up to our flaws, then whose right it is to the pick us apart more for that flaw?  I won't get into what set me off on this tirade because I really feel that I will lose friends who won't get where I am coming from or not like my stance.  But I am sad that people can't just shut up sometimes and keep their freaking opinions to themselves.  FB is an open forum.  Sometimes not all things need to be shared or ridiculed.  Sometimes we all need to learn what empathy is and get some.  Sometimes life isn't black and white and neither are choices.  Sometimes we can't understand until we ourselves have walked in someone's shoes.  Sometimes we all need to be better humans...

1 comment:

Eralel83 said...

Aww Susan! I sure miss you and your opinions too. :)