Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ode to Sally...

Hard to believe that it was almost 10 years ago Sally entered our lives, our home and our hearts...ten years! She has become such a part of our life that I can't even imagine her not in it. Mainly because only 6 months into our marriage she joined our family.  Brandon worked a ton.  Over the next few years every TDY and deployment solidified our bond and her place in my heart.  I can't deny I didn't want a dog.  Not at all. I vividly remember being so mad at our friends for even entertaining the thought that we take home this poor homeless mutt...then I met her and she just became mine.  I love her...she is officially a part of our family.  She is a sweet dog.  She has been amazing with the kids and my best pal through every move, TDY and deployment.  She snuggles with me when I read in bed and always lays at the foot of the bed with whoever is sick.  She still digs, barks and confiscates any food that isn't hers to take. But, she is Sally, we wouldn't want her perfect.  I really can't imagine my life now without her in it and it breaks my heart to even think of I try my hardest not to.  And I try to enjoy moments like this when I remember the first days she came home with us.  
Her first night at our house...we had a small dog pen built out behind our house...we had no fence in the condo and wanted her to be able to go was ghetto fabulous you could say.  She had an igloo doghouse (thanks Johnsons).  I was determined not to have her sleep in the house and be inside all the time. Remember I didn't want her.  Well one look out the window was all it took...It was freezing outside, literally, and all you could see was her nose poking out of the doghouse and puffs of steam from her breath.  I ran out, brought her in and told Brandon he wasn't allowed to speak or comment...he was smart enough to just let it go and not rub it in...Sally has slept inside since that night.  
I am so thankful for this crazy dog and all her ten years of happy memories in my is to hoping for many, many, many more years with us. We love you Sister Sally!

How can you not love that face?


Anonymous said...

There were times even that cute face couldn't budge me, but all in all she has been a great dog. How well I remember that strange sound in the background ten years ago.:):) Oh Sister.....!

AprilJ said...

Ooooh, I DO LOVE THAT FACE!!!! After all these years.. she looks exactly the same. I can remember her and Capone in our uber-ghetto fabuloso Enid home's back yard. We'll always love Sister. I think if she didn't go live with you, she'd have found a home with us (eventually)!

Anonymous said...

i CRIED! i love that dog. *sniff*. hugs to all of you!