Monday, May 17, 2010

Last week with a 5 year old...

Well we had a busy weekend and now are onto another Monday. I reminded Zachary this morning this is his last Monday as a 5 year old. Why is this so much harder for me than it should be? I just can't grasp that he will be 6 and he will be in first grade next! The end of the year is upon us...last day June 4th. His birthday is this weekend, on the 22nd, his actual birthday. He chose to have a bowling theme we rented some lanes at the local bowling alley and have ordered the I ordered a Mario Kart cake from this cute bakery in town. So excited and it wasn't too pricey at all, so I am thrilled. I spent close to the same price for a not custom cake at the commissary on most of his previous cakes....Right now we don't have a ton of RSVPs, but enough that he will be excited. I am excited for him...what a big day!!!
Erin had a singing program at her preschool...of course they had during Sunday service, so we had to sit thru church to see her sing, but it wasn't bad, just not our usual church and service. She did well and was thrilled to be dressed up and doing her thing in front of a crowd smiling at her. :)
She is on the far right front row next to the girl in the big goofy white hat.
We spent the rest of the day at the GM car dealer looking for my Acadia...I am pretty sold on it and now we narrowed down all the details I liked...I felt like if I was going to do this, I should get what I want, really want this time. So we are now hunting for the best price we can find in the car I want...we will see...It is a great car though and I am excited.
We had a ton of rain and crappy weather...I am heading to the kids resale store tomorrow to take in a TON of things...toddler bed, toys, you name it, I am taking it in. I am excited to clean out and have some things out of the way. But, I can't lie, it is a big huge stinking reminder that my kids are big now and don't need all the baby items I am taking in...more tears from me...
I am off to an Autism meeting on base...I am hoping to meet other moms and get some more helpful info. I also joined an autism group on It really helps to connect with other people going thru the same thing...
Big news...please sit! I am not pregnant if you have been reading above, you wouldn't be getting all excited...
Back in January I made new year's resolutions/goals. Well I am starting to work on my list. I am signing up tomorrow for the sewing classes in June. 4 classes for $45, so I am hoping it will be good and I can learn some things...
I also started to work on my goal of running a 5K...Lord help me. My right knee is a concern, but I am hoping to take this slow and just finish it. I hate running and especially with a bad a knee it isn't ideal. But I got on the treadmill and ran a mile the other night and felt lets see....I need all the support I can get, no joke please...I am seriously trying to do something I hate to show myself I can do it and not give up. Let's hope I can without injury to self. :)
So I am off to get things done before I get Zach at school...then he is off to swim and I have my meeting...tomorrow is Bunko...I know, I am busy!


Unknown said...

Go Acadia! ;-) And, I'll say it again, shoes make a difference! I have a two bad knees and they always kept me from running longer distances. But with my new kicks I haven't had any problems. (Other than sheer exhaustion!) Go SUSAN!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy schedule. So the Acadia beat out the Honda! As long as you like it that's what counts! Happy sewing:):):)

AprilJ said...

(clearly behind on blog reading) HBD to Zach. I will never forget his birthday, talking to you guys on the phone that night, one day after Kara's first bday. Love you guys. JEALOUS about the Acadia. Happy for your busy-ness :)