Friday, May 7, 2010

Almost another week in books...

Is it Friday? The weeks are sailing by now and in a way, I hate it. It means the end of school is one week closer. The end of a lot of fun things for the kids once summer begins. As much as I love summer and I know they love the lazy days, we all miss the routine and the busy days of friends. Both kids are signed up for a thing called Joy Camp at a local Methodist Church (amazing I am Catholic and my kids both have gone to Methodist preschools). It starts June 15th-the 15th of August. I am hoping it will be a good fit for both. Zach will be in the 5 year old class because the next age group was 6-10 and I felt he wasn't ready for that as a brand new 6. We are heading to the NC beach at the end of July for a week and then some time in NC with my mom, dad, sister and her family. Hopefully I can see some NC friends then too!
This week we skipped OT and Speech since Zach wasn't 100%, it was nice honestly to not make that drive, sit in the car and wait while he did his stuff and drive back...selfish, but nice. He had T-ball Wednesday night and a game last night...he did well and even SLID into home to score a run. Yeah Zach. He should have a game tomorrow but have chosen to skip it to take him to a bday party...the young girl was in his social group and has Autism too...I think her bday party is more important right now...I say this as I just sent him to school with 18 invitations in his book bag for his party. I pray some people RSVP for it...he would be crushed if no one came and I will be scrambling asking for favors from friends here to bring their kids. I hope it works out...
He apparently was scratching his bottom yesterday in class so much the teacher sent him to the nurse, who called me, who then had to go pick itching, no spots...I am sort of done with his teacher. I get the vibe from her that she thinks he is great, but also isn't all on board with his diagnosis and the demands that go along with it, like filling out his daily chart we made to see if he was participating, having meltdowns, being social etc. She basically has to just fill in a pre made survey...leave comments when appropriate, etc. I get 3 of them at once, so that is 3 weeks...not so much the helpful thing I was hoping it would be. Next ARD I will have to request it is filled out daily and left in his binder for me to check...I am nervous about who he gets next year...we can't request!
Going on a date with Brandon tonight...Sushi dinner and off to see the movie Date Night...excited and hope the kids do well with our sitter.
I am off now to go walk with the little one and then commissary....the exciting life we lead! Happy Weekend!!!!


Anonymous said...

Enjoy your date night and have a wonderful weekend. HMD early. And yea for Zachary slidding into homeplate...:)

Kelley said...

Hope you had a great date night! Let me know what you thought of the movie...

AprilJ said...

I know that feeling with birthday party RSVPs. I sweat every time. I have taken to hand-delivering them just so I know the stupid things made it to the moms... Hope your date night was great. I was jealous :)