Sunday, March 21, 2010

Not ready for back to reality...

Not ready to let go of Spring Break. We had a great start and a not so great end...Weather started to get cold, rainy and windy. That never helps with the super fun outdoor things I had hoped to do...Boo! I feel like it was uneventful week of things I wish we had done...
Brandon did get to clean out the garage...8 months after moving in and it is awesome...neat, organized, holds all of our crap and two cars. Wow!
I got to go to San Marcos minus to shop and look around and some fun things...even returned with the family the next day to get a table I spotted at Pottery Barn Outlet for a lot cheaper than it is in stores. LOVE IT! I love that store and will go back often to check on items...I am on a mission to replace our living room by the next move...this piece replaced our sofa table that they broke in the move and it was time to upgrade...I am now going to try to paint it black and stick it in the kitchen area...hoping it works well.
Brandon and I went out for our 10 year anniversary dinner and date. We did some shopping nice to walk and talk without interruption...I laughed a lot that night and that to me is priceless and perfect for time spent together. Our dinner was a bit of a disappointment...we had eaten at this restaurant back in December at the Riverwalk and tried a new location...different menu and not as good of now we know. Erin did well with the sitter, but Zach was acting off and by Thursday was even more off.
He met with his ABA therapist Thursday and was just not himself...
Friday rolled around and he had a fever. Had to cancel his Artworks camp class and he stayed in and was pathetic most of the day...we ran to get the table and came home...Saturday he was okay...had a fever, but it was 101...I went to the commissary, came home and started to unload the food...checked him and it was almost 105...Brandon ran him to BAMC ER...they did a chest xray, mucus culture, urine test...came back with pneumonia...good grief. So he is on antibiotics, in bed and coughing a ton...just not in good shape...fever down most of the day, but still there...Erin is now starting to cough...both going into the Dr. in the AM to check out their symptoms and see what they think...fabulous end to the week, right?
So Brandon heads back to work and the kids and I will be home bound another day with sick...Lets hope he is better soon and that Erin doesn't get it as badly...sick sucks!


Jo Mama said...

Sorry your spring break did not turn out the way you had hoped. I hope the kids feel better soon. You are right, sick stinks. Yeah for Pottery Barn Outlet though. And once again Happy Anniversary!

Kelley said...

Hope the sickness leaves your house soon!! Sounds like you guys had a nice anniversary...and post a pic of that new table, sounds amazing!

AprilJ said...

Hoping that your kiddos are mended and healthy soon! Hang in there, momma.