Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mid week...

Just a few quick updates tonight...I am pooped!
I got up at 4:30 AM to go with my friend Carrie to Universal City United Methodist Preschool Registration for Erin next fall...yes you read that right. I sat outside in a lawn chair huddled with my new friend under a blanket and chatting with our coffees. It was actually fun to sit and talk and while I have been painfully tired all day, I think it will be worth it. I was impressed last year when we visited at this school and again today really pleased with what I saw. She will be in a W/F class from 9-11:45. She will also go to her current KDO program T/TH 9-2. I think it will give Erin more opportunities to be busy, social, learn and explore and she deserves that. The longer days at the KDO was something I wasn't ready to give up and I do like that is fun, laid back and she gets to just go and be a kid. The other one is where I think she will learn so much, be challenged and really develop herself. I loved the school in Palmdale I had Zach at and hope Erin has as great of a time as he did.
So I returned from that and wanted to fall flat on my face, but Miss Erin was wide awake and all about play with me mommy...I got her to be quiet and look at books with me when I had a barking maniac dog on my hands....the sprinkler installation started today...oh the joy. The landlord agreed to let us oversee will be nice mid summer when we don't have dead burnt grass, but today my yard looks like it was attacked by insane goffers.
I then got in the car at 1:30 to head to my Dr. Appointment at Wilford Hall at 2:30...luckily arrived on time with no traffic hang ups. All my bloodwork was that is good. No idea what the heck is wrong, not so good. So we will wait and see for a bit. My Pilar Cyst is being removed on the 24th, so I am hoping that will help some...that part of my head is just super uncomfortable right now and I am ready to have it gone. The hair issue is either it is falling out and thinning and will come back in 3 months or it is not coming back and I have to accept that and move on to other options. As crappie as that is, it isn't something I can change if it is in fact genetics working against me. I can only wait and see...continue the vitamins, healthy hair choices and just hope...Fingers crossed for my hair. :) I am very grateful that I am healthy and all things seem good in that arena.
My acne is another issue...starting on some antibiotics...I have a lovely side affect with every round of antibiotics and not looking forward to that, but hoping my face reacts well to them. If not they think they might need to change my pill...I have been on it since I was 21 minus the two pregnancies. The pharmacist was an older man that spoke quite loudly..."You might want to be careful...mixing antibiotics and your current birth control might not work...use extra protection." Thank you sir...thank you...I am beat red...thank you. So glad I had Erin and not Zach with me...the amount of questions or worse, repeating of that would have done me in.
Came home to a child that wanted to go outside and a dog that need to pee and the sprinkler trench making people in the back yard...leads to mad child, mad dog, miserable mom.
Brandon had taken Zach to his social group and then on to tball. It was his first night of practice. First I have to say what a riot it was to hear Brandon share with me his thoughts on the other moms at social group. One in particular complains, complains and complains. I pray Erin naps on the way up there so she can sleep in the car and I have an excuse to sit out there with her and read my book, leaving me no chance to listen to the non stop complaining. Okay lady all of our kids have Autism, that is why we are all here. Autism is like a two children are the same. I enjoyed getting his take on the moms and the kids and also that he saw a glimpse of my life...
T-ball apparently went well...way better than soccer so far. Zach is very interested in it and excited. A bit too vocal (ironic, I know). Telling all the other kids the rules he knows from his dad and what is happening. Funny stuff. He did well and tried hard Brandon me that is all we can ask for from him. I am thrilled that so far it was a hit. He came home in an awesome mood too. One week now off the meds... tired, crazy self is off to bed...

1 comment:

AprilJ said...

Glad your blood work was normal.. will keep fingers crossed that the hair just comes back lush and lovely in three months. Keep on the vitamins, lots of water and good protein sources (and zinc). xoxo.