Saturday, March 6, 2010

Here and There

Just some random things in my mind to comment on...

1. GO DUKE! Yes, I went to Arizona and will always be a Wildcat at heart and love my school...but since I was in 7th grade I have LOVED Duke. If I were a lot smarter and could have gone there for college, I would have. I have loved their basketball program as long as I can recall and think Coach K is amazing...So excited to watch March Madness with Duke this year...sad for my Cats, but glad I get to route on Duke!

2. Zach has had some off days...he has been off meds for over a week and we are still seeing tons on emotional issues. His School Logs from his teacher also pointed to that issue. His new ABA therapist arrived today and I LOVE her. His old one we had for only about a month, her mom died and she we got a new person is great and I was impressed with her. Lets hope some of her ideas will help some things we are was a struggle with everything with him I am hopeful it is a phase and we will move past it soon. He is entitled to bad days, I just would love to see them pass soon and see my smiley boy back!

3.On the flip side Erin has been full steam ahead. Despite having some crud in her system she has had a great week. She is talking SO much and lots of sentences, questions, observations. It is really fun to watch all of this with her. She is a lot of fun.

4. The new BX at Randolph opened...holy crap! If we had one like this at Edwards it would have reduced my bitching by a good amount. Impressive.

5. I can't wait to get this cyst removed from my head. I would go tomorrow if I could. It hurts to lay my head on it at this point, it is just painful. The 24th can't come soon enough.

6. Taxes sent in...yeah!

7. Reading a ton as of late and loving many good books await me too. I bought a few with my birthday my birthday present (gift card!!!!!) and can't wait to read Jodi Picoult and new Kristen Hannah. Reading Anita Shreve Fortune Rocks right now...

8. Spring break is approaching. We aren't going anywhere this year, but have some fun things planned. A friend of mine is coming into town with his family and they will be having dinner with us and we are thinking of heading to Sea World the next day too. Zach is attending his first "camp" camp for 3 hours two days that week (17th and 19th). I hope it goes well so we can do more fun things like this during the summer. Plans to check out the other children's museum, in indoor play center I want to go to and a new park. Brandon also really wants to take Erin to Disney on is coming that week. I am not sure if Zach will love it, he hates animated characters in human we are going to offer it to him...if not I will take him to do something else. I am super jealous though of not getting to see Erin's face light up with Mickey and Minnie on Ice...fingers crossed he goes.

9. Carpets cleaned this week, sprinkler system installed...done with house work for a bit. :)

10. I am not sure I will watch the Oscars, but love to see what everyone wears...I am rooting for the Blind Side to win some awards. I LOVED that movie. It really was one that got me and I left the theatre and thought about for days. I liked Up too, but Blind Side was great.

That is it from me tonight...Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a busy week with alot accomplished! Can't wait to see the new BX - impressive!!!!!! Think Disney on Ice would be super fun. Maybe Zachary will surprise you. As for his moods I still believe age factors into alot of it not to mention peers. Wish the 24th were tomorrow for you.